Chapter 20

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Hayes' POV

Next Morning.

I woke up and Sky was sitting on the bed next to me just looking at me.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked looking at the clock and seeing it was almost six in the morning.

"I miss mommy." She said and i sat up. She crawled onto lap and laid her head on my chest.

"I do to Sky, but there is nothing I can do about that. Are you hungry, I will make you breakfast." I said and she started crying.

"No don't cry princess." I said rocking her back and forth.

She didn't stop obviously, so I sat there with her and comforted her.

"Sky, its okay. Mommy is still her with you. You just can't see her. She is like Casper or your imaginary friend. She will always be with us, okay."I said and she looked up at me.

"But I can't give her hugs or kisses no more Hayes."

"Then give them to me, and I will do the same for you. Your my one and only now and I love you, you know I do, so just try not to think about it." I said and she wiped her face. tears were still falling but slowly they started to stop.

I wiped her face and kissed her cheek before I stood up.

"Lets go eat." I said and she nodded. I stood up and she grabbed my hand. we walked down the stairs to the kitchen and I started to take stuff out the fridge that she pointed at.

She wanted a fruit for breakfast so I made her a bowl of fruit and I sat in the chair next to her and waited.

Nash walked down the stairs, stopped, looked at us, then kept moving.

"Come on, lets go to my room." I said grabbing Sky's food. She grabbed my hand and we went upstairs.

"Can we watch Disney?" I nodded and turned on my tv for her. I sat down in the chair next to my window and saw a car pull up. A really tall guy got out with bags and started walking towards the house, then the door bell rung.

I opened my room door and looked over the banister. Nash was talking to the guys, and I was trying to listen but he was whispering. Sky walked out next to me and watched.

The other guy looked up at me and smiled.

"Come here." He said and Nash looked up at me and frowned, but like a mad frown.

I grabbed Sky's hand and walked down the stairs.

"I'm Will, you must be Hayes and Sky, right? Dad has told me so much about you, some good and some bad but I don't really care about all of that." He said and I nodded.

"You're tall." Sky said looking up at him.

"and you're short." He said and she giggled. I pulled my sweater I had one sleeves down because I was cold and because I didn't want him to see my arms. He watched me as I did it, but didn't ask any questions about my action.

"So you guys want to go swimming out back?"

"We don't know how to swim." I said

"I can teach you if you want?"

"Um no thank you, I don't really want to learn." I said and Sky grabbed his shorts and pulled at them.

"Are you mean?" She asked and Nash looked at me.

"No, why do you ask that?"


"No reason, nothing at all." I said doing one of those fake laughs afterwards. Sky looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now