Chapter 24 (short)

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I woke up to Sky crying in her sleep, I turned over to her and sat up then put her on my lap.

"Sky, wake up." I said waking her up.

"Why?" She mumbled pulling the cover over her head.

"Because you are crying?"

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are baby girl, look." I said wiping her cheek with my them then showing her, her tears.

"Oh sorry." She said wiping her face.

"Don't be, why were you crying? What were you dreaming about?"

"I don't know, I forget, you woke me up." She said

"Oh w-"

"You guys are cute." Matt said making me look up at him sitting in the window seat.

"You are so fucking weird dude, I don't understand why you just sit and watch people like that."

"I don't do it to everyone i see, just the ones I care about or want to know better." He said playing with a pillow or something.

"Danna wake up." I yelled.

"Stop yelling, I'm sleeping." She mumbled pulling the blanket over her whole body.

"Danna." I yelled jumping on her bed making her roll over and fall off the bed.

"Oops sorry." I said helping her up.

"So what are we doing today?" Matt asked

"It depends on what Rosa wants to do, she is in charge now."

"How about I take you guys to my parents beach house, Rosa can have a few days to herself and you don't have to go home to your brother." Matt said and we nodded getting really excited about the beach house.

"Let me go ask, she should say yes since I never leave the house." Danna yelled running out the room.

"How am I going to get stuff to take with us?" I asked Matt.

"I will take you home and I will walk you inside. I will stay with you until you get your stuff that your need and I will walk back out with you. Nothing is going to happen to you or Sky while we are there, okay?"

I nodded looking down at my hands. Danna ran back in the room and said she could go so we helped her pack some stuff that she said we could touch then we walked down stairs.

She said bye to Rosa then we went out to the car. Matt drove to our house after everyone was settled in the car but we got out like ten minutes after because she didn't live that far from us.

"Come on Nash is't home right now so we have to do this fast and if you forget something I will get you a new one, got it?" Matt said and I nodded picking up Sky and we went into the house and up to my room.

Matt went with Sky to help her and Danna stayed with me. I grabbed my suite case out my closet and put it on my bed.

I grabbed a bunch of different clothes and put them in there as Danna got my tooth brush, and all that bathroom stuff I would need.

"Are you done, Sky and I are done so you two should be done by now." Matt said walking into my room ten minutes later.

"Yeah, lets go." I said grabbing my two bags. Danna picked up up Sky and Matt carried her bags to the car.

Once we got back in the car I sat in the back with Sky because she said she was tired so I put her on my lap and she went to sleep.

"How long is this ride?" I asked Matt.

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now