Chapter 23 (Short)

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Next Morning 

Hayes' POV

When I woke up I got out of bed not waking Sky and realized Danna wasn't in the room anymore. I went to the bathroom an did my bathroom morning things then walked out just as Danna was walking back in.

"Hey, how you doing?" I asked and she sighed.

"I could be better but good news is I'm not going to be an orphan or anything because my Nanny said she would take care of me until I am legal to take care of myself." She said.

"So your still going to go to the same school next year?" 

"I should be, I don't want to move or anything because one we have a really nice house and two I don't want have to try to make new friends I don't have."

"We are friends now." I said making her smile.

"You should come and hang out with me at my house when you guys are able to leave, all of you because you probably don't want to go home with your brother."

"I'll ask Matt when he wakes up because he is our ride." 

she nodded looking down at her hands.

"How come you never came to talk to me at school if you knew who I was?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"Because you had friends, I didn't. I would look desperate for a friend, not that it would matter but still I just stayed in my own lane and for some odd reason you walked up to the girl crying in the corner all alone and talked to her. You figured out who I was and accepted me or didn't judge me and it made me feel good about myself for once. I didn't think you would be like this, I thought you knew I was bullied and would bully me more so I just left it alone but you were really nice."

"If I was being bullied why would I bully you because you came to say hi to me?"

"I don't know, I never really thought about it like that."

"Well we are now friends and you don't have to think about it t all that, just know if you need someone, I'm here for you and hopefully you will be there for me when I need you." I said and she nodded smiling.

"Can we come over after we leave here?" I asked and she nodded. We talked a bit more until sky woke up.

"Hey princess." I said. She looked back at me and gave me a hug then just leaned on my chest. The doctor walked in and talked to us, but mostly me about how she could leave and what to do when she had to take medication.

"I think that's it, but he has to sign her release papers or she can't go anywhere." He said pointing to Matt who was still sleeping.

"Matt wake up." I yelled and he rolled over then sat up.

"What do you want?"

"Can you sign the papers so we can go to her house?" I asked. He took the paper from the doctor and signed them then handed them back.

"Thank you." He said walking out. We all got dressed then went out to Matt's car and got in and Danna told Matt the way to her house and when we got there, we saw that she lived in a huge house.

"Oh my gosh, you have a really big house." Sky said and she nodded taking us inside.

"Rosa, I'm home." She yelled and a lady walked through a pair of door and gave her a hug. 

"I'm sorry about your dad, I would have been there for you but I didn't make it back to town on time and I'm sorry." The Rosa lady said.

"It's fine Rosa, I love you and thank you." She said hugging the lady then turned to us.

"Rosa, this is Hayes and his little sister and that is Matthew but he likes Matt."

"Oh, your the one who is also getting bullied, well were getting bullied."

"Uh yea, but it never stopped because its my brother who bullies me but I'm fine." I said and she nodded smiling making me smile.

"Well, I'm about to make something to eat for everyone, Danna will bring you down when I'm done." She said and I nodded along with Matt and Sky then we followed her up some steps that lead to her room.

"So do you guys like Alfredo?" She and we nodded.

"Good, because that is what she is making."

"So what do you usually do when you are at home all day?"

"Nothing, I have no friends so I would just sit in here and read a book or watch tv to pass time, then go eat dinner, shower then go to sleep." She said.

"Do you even have a phone?" Matt asked

"Nope, everyone would send me mean texts and stuff so I just threw it away literally." She said and i don't know how she did it.

"Danna the food is done, you and your friends can come down." The woman yelled. We all got up and walked down stairs and sat at the table. We ate our food then went back up to her room.

"So I usually take my naps around now and I am pretty tired so Hayes you can sleep on the bed in the corner with Sky and Matt you can sleep on that end of my bed or you can sleep on the window seat or you can sleep on the floor its really up to you." She said and everyone walked over to where they would be taking a nap because we were all really tired from staying up so late last night and waking up so early this morning.

"Good night Hayes." Sky said and i looked down at her.

"we are just taking a nap but good night baby girl." I said kissing her cheek and going to sleep soon after her.


Hey guys. I know this is short and all but I hope you liked the chapter and all that and please vote and comment please and yea so that's it so bye...


Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now