Chapter 21 (Short)

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Sky's POV

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Hayes to wake up but he takes forever in the morning time.

"Hayes wake up." I yelled and he rolled over and looked at me.

"Why were you yelling?" He asked and I rolled my eyes because he is stupid but he is my stupid and I love him so much.

"Because you wouldn't wake up and i was bored, duh."

"What's today?" he asked and i shrugged.

"What did we do yesterday."

"We went to the mall and got me clothes then came home and took a nap and now we are in bed." i said counted it off on my fingers.

"So Nash didn't come bother us?"

"No. If he did I wasn't awake."

"Did I ever go down stairs to get something for you?"

"No When i woke up I went to the bathroom then laid back down next to you and went to sleep again." I said and he mumbled something then looked up at me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked

"nothing, its nothing don't worry about it." he said and I nodded because I have my own little girl problems to deal with, like what i have to where and how my hair is going to be, and its just to much to think about right now and its stressing me out, what ever that means. Mommy used to say it alot when I would whine about stuff.

"can we go eat, i'm like super hungry." I said and he looked at me then at the door.

"um are you really hungry?" he asked and I nodded because he is acting like a dumb dumb and I'm hungry and want food in my belly.

"Fine I will go get my own food." I said getting up and walked down stairs to get me some cereal.

Since I'm so short I had to climb on the step stool, climb onto the counter top, then grabbed my lucky charms and a bowl.

I then carefully climbed down and took the milk out of the fridge.

"Hey Sky, what are you doing?" Nash asked stepping into the kitchen.

"making me a bowl of cereal." I said pouring the milk in the bowl.

"Where is Hayes?"

"upstairs, he's freaked out about something i think. What did you do to him yesterday?" I asked and he made some stupid face.

"I didn't do anything to him Matt did." He said

"What did he do, Hayes didn't want to walk me down stair this morning."

"just go ask him." he said and I walked pass him and went up stairs.

"Hayes can you open the door?" I yelled and the door opened a few seconds later. I closed it behind me and put my bowl on the table.

"What did Matt do to you?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Hayes tell me." I said climbing on the bed and sitting next to him.

"Nothing Sky, he didn't do anything"

"your lying, Nash told me he did something to you tell me please."

"nothing happened Sky you told me all we did was sleep yesterday, nothing happened if we were sleep.

"but what about when you woke up and asked me if you wanted a snack."

"you did say that earlier, you said we were sleep."

"I forgot, I'm only six. I can't remember everything Hayes."

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now