Chapter 17

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Hayes' POV

Next morning

Yesterday after I took my nap Amber and I went to get Sky a birthday present. I got a bracelet watch horse charm thing. I don't know what ever you want to call it I got it for her because it was cute and I knew she would like it.

I also got her a princess crown because how can she be a princess on her birthday with out the crown. Amber got her an outfit or something with a card and we both put ten dollars in it. Amber was holding her gift in a medium size bag with the card inside and the crown.

I was holding my gift in a small bag and her subway that she asked for and a cup cake because who doesn't eat them on their birthday.

We walked into the school and signed in and walked to her class. She wasn't in there yet so we set the stuff on her desk and I walked up to Mrs. Hearts.

"Hello Hayes, your mom signed the paper and said Nash, I think will be picking her up after." I nodded

"Um it ends at four right?" I asked and she nodded. I walked back over to her desk and sat next to Amber as kids started to come in.

Sky walked in and ran to me.

"Happy birthday." I said and she looked at the stuff on the desk.

"Go put your bag away and then you can come wee what all of it is." She ran to put her stuff away then came back.

"Okay first we have to put the crown on the birthday girl." Amber said opening the box which held the diamond tiara, not real but it looked real so she was going to wear it. I placed it on her head with her hair flowing down.

She sat down in a chair and looked at me.

"Which one is from you?" she asked and i handed her the bag and she pulled out the bracelet thing.

"That's really pretty." A girl said. I clipped it to her wrist and she played with charms.

"thank you Hayes." She said giving me a hug.

"This from Amber, Matt isn't here so he couldn't get you one but he said happy birthday." I said handing the bag to her and she opened the envelope with the card in it first.

"Happy sixth birthday to you hope your day is filled with gifts and sweets." She said reading the front sounding out the words she got stuck at then opened the card and the money fell out so I picked it up and held it so she could read the inside.

"Happy b-day Sky. I love you and I hope you like the outfits I got you because I didn't know what to get you, love amber." She read and opened the bag and pulled the outfit out she got.

"Thank you Amber , it goes with the bracelet." she said putting it back in the bag. She gave Sky a hug then the kids went to go play until it was story time.

"Sky we have to finish your math from yesterday." i said before she could get up.

"But Hayes its play time."

"You can play after, just come do the work please for me. I said and she sat down and took out a pencil and i put the paper on her desk. We worked the first ten questions  but she stopped and looked at me.

"This is hard Hayes, I don't want to do it. I don't know how to do it" She said putting her pencil down.

"Come on Sky you have five more questions, then you are done and I'm helping you. Don't say you can't do it because you did all of these so just keep going you can't give up." I said and she shook her head at me.

"I don't know how to do it Hayes. I never get an A on my math test and I always try and still i never get an A or a B." She said.

"Sky you can't just give up, you see Nash told me I can't see you but I still signed up for this, knowing that there was a chance I might not even get your class to read to but I kept telling myself that you would be there when I walked through the door, and you were and I was so happy to see you, so please just try." I said and she picked her pencil

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now