Chapter 02

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Upon their return to the pizzeria, it was evident that Bryan had not changed back to being an adult like some of them had hoped. Freddy went to pick up Bryan but he dodged, hiding behind one of the arcade machines with tears in his brown doe-like eyes. Everyone was confused as AI went over to where Bryan was hiding, sitting down so that his back was to the wall but didn't dare turn to look at the child, not wanting to scare him more than he already was. "I won't force you to come out," AI spoke softly, aware that if he spoke any louder it might cause the boy to panic. "Come out when you're ready, okay? I'll be here, promise." The others left, knowing it might be a while until Bryan comes out of his hiding spot. AI decided to go on standby mode, making him look powered off but he was still aware of his surroundings.

Should I? Bryan wondered, glancing at the rabbit through the gap between the wall and arcade game. He doesn't seem like he's going to hurt me... Crawling out from behind the game, the brunette child glanced at the rabbit once more. I... I trust him, he decided, silently crawling onto the animatronic's lap and cuddling into the soft fur. AI blinked, becoming fully aware and able to move again after feeling a weight on his lap. Looking down, he smiled and wrapped an arm around the now sleeping child. Standing, AI headed to the main area where the others were waiting for him. Unfortunately though, it seemed Molten and Freddy had gotten into another one of their arguments.

"Just fix what you messed up, Molten!" shouted Freddy before he stormed off. Bryan flinched in his sleep, as if reeling away from a punch or slap. AI tightened his hold slightly and immediately the boy calmed down, sleeping soundly once more. Ballora was quick to notice AI, coming over and brushing the sleeping boy's fringe away from his eyes.

"What were they arguing about this time?" asked the golden rabbit. Ballora sighed, shaking her head. "The usual, eh?" The humanoid animatronic nodded, glancing over at Molten who was still glaring at where Freddy was.

"I don't know why they argue so much," admitted the motherly animatronic. "It's always surrounding one thing."

"Bryan," they said in unison before sighing sadly.

"Bryan can never catch a break, bless him," AI murmured, sitting on one of the chairs, holding Bryan in a way that his head was against his chest as he slept. "Looks like he hasn't slept in years." Ballora agreed, sitting opposite her husband as Baby ran over, aweing at the sight of Bryan cuddling into AI and sleeping soundly.


Word Count: 458

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