Chapter 14

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Bryan, now being six, seemed to have a lot more energy than four-year-old Bryan did which meant the animatronics had to find new ways to help him get all of this energy out of his system before he went to bed. One of the ways they decided was to go outside and run around the parking lot. Speaking of which, they were doing that now. Baby, Ballora, AI and Bryan were playing tag with Puppet watching over them.

"I'm gonna get you Bryan!" Baby exclaimed, giggling as she chased the six-year-old. Bryan giggled as well before squeaking as he fell, scraping his knee against the tarmac. Puppet rushed over, picking up the injured boy.

"Shh, it's okay," she hushed. "Let's go get it sorted out, okay? Then it'll be time for bed!" Bryan nodded, arms hugging the animatronic's head as they all headed inside. Puppet quickly set Bryan down on the stage before grabbing the first aid kit they kept beside the stage for situations like this.

As Puppet disinfected the cut and placed a plaster on it, Bryan started to talk. "You remind me of my older sister, Brianna!" Giggled the young boy. Puppet's heart panged at the mention of her spirit name. "She died last year, though... I don't really remember how, though. Uncle Henry says that it's because it was too traumatizing." Puppet smiled sadly, ruffling the boy's hair before hugging him.

"How about we head to bed now, yeah?" she whispered softly. Bryan nodded, getting up and heading over to Ballora who took the boy into her arms. A Puppet watched the boy drift off to sleep in the arms of the ballerina animatronic, she couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that Bryan would forever have a fear of guns and gunshots in general because of what happened that day.


Word Count: 304

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