Chapter 4: Just Exist

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The next day was spent packing your things to return home, before transporting the winner back to Seoul. It was a strange feeling, knowing you were leaving. You were excited to be in your home, but also felt almost... sad to leave.

You walked with In-ho, both with bags in hand, to the limo. In-ho took your bag and packed everything in the trunk. You were both wearing masks, but you could sense some sort of tension coming from him. You entered the limo, sitting in the back on the left side, followed by In-ho sitting to your right.

Inside the limo was the game winner, a man not much older than you, tied up and blindfolded just as you were when you won. He was still knocked out, unaware of you both. You hoped he stayed that way – you were annoyed that he won, wishing the woman had won just like you did. The limo started and the three of you rode to the ferry.

As you made your way, In-ho removed his mask and sighed, relaxing into the seat. You removed yours as well and glanced at him. He looked deep in thought, his facial expression almost similar to pouting. You furrowed your brows and looked away out the window. It was dark out but the moon was bright, illuminating the island. You briefly caught a glimpse of your favorite cliffside spot.

You wondered what it would be like to be back home, with a strange sense of dread. The thought of being out in the real world again scared you. Yes, you'd be in the comfort of your own home, but that meant nothing when your mind only had your dark thoughts to occupy it. At least on the island, you had your job and In-ho to keep you occupied.


As much as you tried, you couldn't satiate your constant curiosity and desire for him. You knew you should hate him, you knew he was a bad person, but you longed to know who he really was. Deep down you felt like you understood him. Were you just naive?

You sighed and leaned your head back, closing your eyes. You couldn't subject your mind to this for the next few months, you had to figure out how to let it go.

In-ho leaned forward to grab a bottle of champagne. "He'll be waking up soon."

You turned to him as he set two glasses in front of him and opened the champagne bottle. He poured a glass and handed it to you, glancing up at you as you took it. Your eyes met and you unintentionally blushed. God, get a grip, you thought as you looked away and cleared your throat.

He poured himself a glass and took a sip just as the winner was waking up. The man turned towards In-ho. "Where am I?"

In-ho sighed. "Congratulations."

"Where am I?"

"You're going home."

"Who are you? Who are you people?"

"Forget about this and move on with your life. It's only right."

The man scoffed. "Forget about this? How could I forget when you forced us to kill each other?"

"Don't let your win be in vain."

You glanced at In-ho. He was staring into his glass as he spoke to the man, mindlessly responding without actually comprehending, as if he was reading off a script. He seemed to be unaware you were staring at him.

The man let out a pained sigh, leaning forward. "You people are sick... I swear to god I'll kill you myself."

The man lunged toward In-ho, as much as he could, being tied up. You kicked your leg forward, your boot meeting the man's chest and sending him on his back onto the seat.

"Sit the fuck down."

In-ho looked at you with a slightly surprised expression. The man stayed lying down and laughed. "You have your bitch in here to do your dirty work, huh?"

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