Chapter 15: Sun King

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"Who are you? How do you know me?"

The three of you stood there in silence, Gi-hun looking at you with bewilderment. Of all the people you'd expected to see here, Gi-hun was not it. You knew he spoke with In-ho before getting on his flight, but you hoped he had just left. There was nothing to come back to.

It was normal for the Squid Game organization to keep tabs on the winners, but they did so especially with Gi-hun at Il-nam's request. Before Il-nam passed, you and In-ho were aware that he was concerned about Gi-hun not using the money and becoming depressed. Despite everything, he truly cared for Gi-hun.

You were disappointed Gi-hun didn't get on the plane. If only he knew what you and In-ho had planned...

"Seong Gi-hun. Player 456."

Gi-hun glared at you. "Who are you?"

You sighed, and noticed Jun-ho still had his gun pointed at Gi-hun. "You can lower that now."

You looked back at Gi-hun. Where would you even start? You rubbed your face out of frustration and exhaustion. "I... Why didn't you get on the plane?"

Gi-hun scoffed. "You didn't answer my question."

You eyed him for a few moments before responding. "My name is y/n."

"Y/n. How do you know who I am?"

Jun-ho spoke up. "She runs everything, isn't it obvious?"

Gi-hun eyed you suspiciously. "You weren't who I talked to on the phone."

You looked away. This conversation was becoming more and more annoying. "Gi-hun, why are you here?"

"I want to know why you do what you do."

So he's just here to get answers? This was becoming a waste of time. "Isn't it obvious why they do this? And who says I have to explain myself to you?"

He clenched his jaw. "What you're doing isn't right!"

"And what do you plan to do about it? What about what you did?" You were sick of having to explain yourself.

His face dropped. "I had to... I had to."

You rolled your eyes. "We all did. So don't act like you're any better than me."

"But you have the power to stop this."

You laughed darkly. "Trust me, if I did, I already would have and we'd be far away from all of this."

Gi-hun seemed to get more frustrated by the second, but he stayed silent.

"What did you expect from this, hm? Did you think you'd find the big bad villainous mastermind behind all of this here? What would you have done, killed them? Do you even have a gun?"

Gi-hun looked down and away, his jaw clenching.

You continued. "This whole thing is way bigger than you, bigger than any of us. You have no idea." You were starting to feel tired and weak, the day's events catching up with you.

"So are you trying to get away then?"

"I... yes."

"Then let me help."

"Help... what?"

"Help... stop all of this."

You scoffed. "Gi-hun... you have no clue what you're getting into." You sighed. "Remember what that man told you on the phone? 'It's for your own good.' Just walk away and enjoy your life."

"I can't live with myself if I don't try."

You looked at him sadly, and you realized you and Gi-hun weren't so different after winning the games. But you never felt the need to destroy the organization, you even joined it. Why was he acting like such a hero? You knew it was futile.

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