Chapter 17: Leader of a New Regime

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You went back inside to find In-ho sitting up in bed, attempting to get out. You rushed to his side and held his shoulders. "In-ho, what are you doing?"

He looked at you, annoyed and slightly pouting. "I want to try and move around."

"It's too soon, you need to rest more first."

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine, look at you. You can barely sit up."

"I should try and stretch my muscles, right?" he said, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

You sighed, pouting back at him. "If it were me, you'd be forcing me to stay in this bed."

He looked away, slightly rolling his eyes. "That's different."

"No it's not. Just lay back down, I'll join you in a little bit."

He reluctantly laid back down, wincing from his wounds. "Where are you going?"

"We need to eat something. What do you want?"

"Something... comforting."

You smiled and headed to the kitchen to make yours and In-ho's favorite, kimchi stew. As you prepared it, you tried to get yourself to relax a little more. With Jun-ho and Gi-hun gone, you could finally just focus on you and In-ho. You weren't sure where you would go next, but having him with you made everything seem a little more possible.

When you were done you brought your food to the bedroom to eat with In-ho. You ate in silence, both of you enjoying the first actual meal you'd had in days. The warmth of the food helped you relax even more.

When you were finished, you brought everything to the kitchen and returned to bed with In-ho. "Where should we go from here?"

In-ho paused, thinking to himself. "We don't have to go anywhere just yet. Let's just stay here at the harbor for a bit so you can recover some more."

"Me? Have you seen yourself today?"

In-ho chuckled at you. "And stop getting out of bed."

"You're so ridiculous."

"Shh, don't worry, I'll take care of you darling." He reached his arm around you, patting your back.

You laughed, leaning into his shoulder. You took a moment to breathe in, the scent of him bringing you instant comfort.

He squeezed your shoulder, taking a deep breath in. "I'll always take care of you, no matter what."

You smiled. "I know."


The next several days were spent at the harbor, taking care of yourself and In-ho and finally enjoying some alone time. Although you'd just been through a lot of traumatic events, you slowly noticed yourself feeling like you did last time you were on the boat with In-ho. Happy and free.

In-ho was slowly getting better and was able to get out of bed for short periods of time. You were thankful you had the medical training you did to care for him in private. As you cared for him, you could tell he was tormented by his thoughts. It didn't surprise you. Dealing with the host, the Overseer, the explosion, discovering his brother was alive... you could tell it was troubling him.

One evening, before the two of you went to sleep, you decided to ask In-ho about it. He was lying on his back, with you at his side, leaning on your arm to look at him and caress his face.

"In-ho... what happened after the explosion? Before I found you?"

He looked at you sadly before looking down and away. "I don't know where to start."

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