Chapter 8: Don't Blame Me

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The next morning you woke up, your wound throbbing and your entire body aching. You found yourself lying on your right side next to In-ho, who was lying on his back, still asleep. The previous day's events came flooding back to you, overwhelming you along with the pain and threatening to pull you back into sleep.

You lifted your hand to rub your face and unintentionally whined at the pain from your wound. You didn't mean to wake In-ho, but he quickly shifted in his sleep and opened his eyes. He looked at you with concern through his sleepy gaze.

"Are you okay?" His voice was hoarse.

You nodded, pushing yourself up to sit up in bed. "Yeah. I just need some pain relievers."

You went to get out of bed but In-ho grabbed your arm, holding you back. "Let me get it."

He got out of bed and left to get your medicine. You lied back down and closed your eyes, the room spinning for a brief moment.

In-ho came back shortly after and gave you medicine and water, then taking some of it himself. He sat next to you on the bed and took a deep breath, taking your hand in his.

He looked at you, concerned. "Do you need anything?"

You lightly smiled. "No, I'm fine once that kicks in." You looked away. "Well... maybe some coffee. But I'm going to make it." You went to sit up but he lightly pushed you back on your good shoulder.

"No, let me."

You laughed and rolled your eyes. "I like how I make it. I'm fine, really."

You made your way out of your bed past In-ho, hearing him reluctantly sigh as you left. As you started making coffee in your kitchen, In-ho left your bedroom and observed the view from your window by your balcony.

It was quite strange to have In-ho in your home. You'd spent so much time here alone, and so much time wishing he was here with you, that it felt weird to finally have him there. You wanted to be happy, but you had so many unanswered questions that weighed on your mind.

When you finished the coffee you poured some for yourself and In-ho and brought him a cup. The sun was shining on your balcony, and the weather was nice, so you sat outside with In-ho.

Sitting there, you could tell In-ho had a lot on his mind. He seemed troubled. You sighed and set your coffee down.

"You need to tell me what's going on."

He looked at you and breathed out heavily. "I don't even know where to start."

You stayed silent, waiting for him to begin.

He began. "You already know I was dismissed from the police force. It was because I accepted a bribe in exchange for covering up a crime."

You nodded.

"But... he threatened me into it." He looked down in his coffee cup with a troubled expression. "He threatened to hurt my mother and brother if I didn't help him cover up the crime, and he used the bribe to threaten my career as well. I would've never risked my career, and definitely not my family.

"I knew he had the means to act on his threat, so I never went to anyone else about it. But we were found out anyway. There was no proof of him threatening me, just his crime and the bribe I accepted. He was put in jail and I was kicked out.

"I struggled after that, and then my brother needed a kidney, so I donated mine. And things just spiraled from there..."

He paused. You noticed his face hardened when he mentioned his brother.

"That's why I joined the games."

He sighed, looking out in the distance. "When I returned, I had a similar experience to you." He glanced at you for a second. "I withdrew from my family, and continued living as if I had very little money. I rarely used it anyways. And then I became the Front Man.

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