Chapter 10: Wildest Dreams

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Your days on the boat were the most relaxing you'd had in a long time. It was so easy to let go of your anxieties and forget about your past trauma. Each day you were authentically happy. Every morning you'd wake up and go to sleep with In-ho by your side. You grew to enjoy the comfortable routine you'd created with each other, spending your time on the water and only returning to land for necessities.

Out on the ocean, the two of you were basically alone. But it wasn't the soul-crushing loneliness you'd been accustomed to for years. You felt tucked away and hidden from the world in the best way, as if you'd created your own little paradise with In-ho that no one could touch, no one could ruin.

One evening, you were sitting on the deck with In-ho enjoying the sunset. You'd gone inside to grab a blanket, and in one of the cupboards found an old polaroid camera. You dusted it off and took a test photo, revealing it was still working. You smiled and decided to sneak up behind In-ho, who was still sitting outside.

You quietly walked behind and around him and quickly caught his oblivious, resting face. He looked breathtaking, illuminated by the colorful sunset. The moment he heard the camera click, his eyes shot towards you. Initially he seemed annoyed, but his features softened at your excited laughter.

You shook the photo, waiting for it to develop. "I didn't know you had one of these lying around, I would've taken way more!"

He playfully rolled his eyes. "I forgot I had that."

"Well I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of you, don't worry," you teased.

He jokingly glared at you. "I don't normally like pictures of myself."

You lightly shoved him as you sat next to him, examining the photo. "That's too bad, this is a great picture of you."

You silently observed the photo. The colors of the sunset were displayed perfectly on his face. He looked content and happy, and that made your heart flutter. So often, In-ho looked troubled. But in that photo, he looked as if he hadn't gone through the trauma you both shared.

You sighed and kissed him on the cheek. "Let's take one together."

He eyed you skeptically, but obliged, wrapping his arm around you. You held the camera in front of your faces and smiled, counting down from 3.

Right before clicking the camera, you turned your face towards him and kissed his cheek. In-ho closed his eyes, still smiling.

You giggled and took the photo from the camera, waving it around to get it to develop faster. Once it did, you and In-ho observed it. It was a beautiful picture of the two of you. Seeing you together frozen in time made your heart skip a beat. In-ho immediately snatched it from your hands.

"I'm keeping this." He stuffed it in his pocket and looked away unassumingly while eyeing you, slightly smiling.

You laughed and wrapped your arms around his, resting your head on his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll take more."

The two of you looked out on the ocean, the sunset slowly dipping below the horizon. You felt at that moment you'd never been happier.


As the days went by, you increasingly became aware of the fact the two of you would have to leave soon to return to the island. You hated it, but the dread started to seep into everything you did. Every good thing was tainted with the knowledge that you'd have to leave soon.

The night before you planned on returning back to land, you were packing. You made sure to pack the polaroid camera and the stack of photos you'd taken. As you packed them away, you couldn't help yourself and started crying.

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