Chapter 9: Just Like Heaven

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The next morning you awoke in your bed alone. You got out of bed and put on a robe, the air feeling cold against your bare skin. As you walked out of your bedroom, you noticed In-ho sitting on the couch in silence, looking out the window. He seemed deep in thought with a troubled look on his face.

You took a moment to study him, as he didn't seem to notice you appear. Your heart swelled with affection and adoration for him but also broke at his troubled thoughts. You knew he was battling with the loss of his brother, his family, his life. Even the little life it felt you both had after all you'd been through.

It just wasn't fair. You both had to overcome so much, when will it end?

In-ho glanced at you, his expression softening. He noticed you were in deep thought yourself. "What is it?"

You sighed and sat next to him, curling up to his side. "Nothing. Good morning."

He wrapped his arm around you, looking concerned. "As much as you try, you can't hide anything from me."

You looked at him, then looked away, dejected. "I just hate seeing you hurt." You laid your head on his shoulder.

He stayed silent, looking out the window.

"Don't we deserve something good after all of this?"

He let out a defeated sigh, and kissed the top of your head. "I have you. That's something good."

"What will we do when we have to go back?" You stared out into the distance, feeling yourself become numb. You knew it couldn't be like this when you returned to the island. It pained you to think about all the time you'd have to spend near each other, but so far apart.

"I don't know... we don't have to think about that right now. Let's enjoy our time now."

He noticed your demeanor change, and it hurt him just as you had hurt looking at him earlier. Truthfully, it scared him how close he felt to you, and it made him question many things. Would it always be like this, a secret relationship on and off the island? Could he live with you and him working for the Squid Game organization forever?

Would they even let you leave?

He pushed those thoughts from his mind and stood up. "You know, I made the coffee this morning."

You eyed him. You had a very particular way of making your coffee and were skeptical he could make it was well as you could.

He smiled. "I've been watching you make it. Try it."

He handed you a mug and you took a sip, immediately surprised at how good it was.

"I guess it's not too bad." You were holding in a smile, looking away.

He chuckled and sat next to you. "I guess I'm pretty observant, having been a cop, huh?"

You shot your eyes towards him, immediately remembering your encounter on the cliffside. You shoved him playfully. "You almost fucking killed me that day."

"I never intended to."

"Why were you so mean back then?"

He looked at you, almost sadly, pondering your question before answering. "Many reasons." He sighed, "I only ever wanted to protect you."

You raised your eyebrow at him. "Well, you have a strange way of doing so."

He turned to you and kissed your cheek. "I'm sorry." He kissed your other cheek. "Forgive me?" He had a playful look on his face.

You rolled your eyes and smiled, kissing him. "You know I have."


Later that evening, the two of you were still on the couch, lazily passing the time reading books. You enjoyed your quiet time together reading, but felt the urge to go out and do something.

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