Chapter 12: Ultraviolence

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warning - this chapter is extremely dark with graphic depictions of violence and torture, PLEASE proceed with caution.

The next few days went by uneventfully as you made final preparations for the next round of games that would be happening in a couple weeks. You decided the host hadn't seen you and In-ho that day at the cliffside since nothing was said or done. The two of you hadn't seen each other since that night.

One evening, as In-ho was working in the control room, the host approached him. Even though his gold mask was on, In-ho could tell the host was angry.

"Follow me. Now."

In-ho did as he was told and followed the host into a conference room. He sat across the table from him, quietly anticipating what he had to say.

The host took an envelope from his coat and slowly opened it in front of In-ho. He reached in and removed several small pieces of paper in a stack. As he laid them out on the table, In-ho froze and caught his breath. They weren't just pieces of paper.

They were your polaroids.

The mask helped In-ho look stoic, but internally he was filled with dread. How had the host found these? He must have gone through everything in the main residence. He made sure to keep the photos tucked away, not just lying around for anyone to see.

The host eyed In-ho, chuckling darkly. "You thought you could hide from me?"

In-ho looked down, saying nothing.

"After your little outburst, I decided to do some investigating. I'll admit it took me a while to find these." He scoffed as In-ho continued to be silent.

He went on. "You know, I was right, wasn't I? She's beautiful behind the mask." He held a photo up to his face, examining your features.

In-ho raged inside. He wanted to kill the host on the spot and run away with you, but he knew it would just put you two in danger. He had to be smart about this.

"How many times did I tell you two to stay away from each other? Your blatant disrespect for my authority won't be tolerated."

In-ho stayed silent. He couldn't risk saying anything wrong, even though he was dying to let him have it.

"If the games weren't about to start, I'd kill her. But I need you two to do your jobs. So this is my final warning. If I get the sense at all that you two are up to something, I will make you do it."

Internally, In-ho was seething, his emotions turbulent with anger, frustration, and pure hatred. The host gathered the photos and put them back in the envelope, standing up.

He looked down at In-ho, leaning his arms forward on the table. "Don't fucking cross me again, or you'll die too."

In-ho glared at him under the mask, clenching his fists. It took everything in him not to explode in that moment, not to unleash his rage on the host. He took in a deep breath to somewhat calm down, every fiber of his being on fire with anger.

The host laughed and walked out of the room. In-ho sat there for several minutes, trying his best to calm down. How could he have been so stupid to take the photos? He should have left them in your apartment. He was overwhelmed with shame, knowing he put you at risk for something so simple and avoidable. And now he would never get those photos back. It killed him inside.

He made his way back to the main residence, somewhat thankful when he realized you weren't there. He sat in his chair and poured a tall glass of whiskey, downing it in just a few gulps. He could barely contain the shame and anger he felt inside.

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