Chapter 18: Seven Devils

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That night you went back to the harbor, too anxious to wait any longer. You quickly gathered a small bag of things and made your way to In-ho's car. As he was putting your bags in the trunk, he stopped and grabbed your hand.

"We can turn back now, if you want. We don't have to do this."

You stared at him for a few moments. You knew he meant it, he really would stay here for you. But you knew deep down you both had to do this. You started this fight, it was time to put it all to an end.

You lightly kissed him. "I know. We have to, though."

He sighed and pulled you in for a tight hug, too overwhelmed to say anything else, but you knew exactly how he felt.

You quickly got in the car and In-ho drove the two of you to the airport. On your way there, you booked two flights for Florence on your phone. The soonest flight wouldn't be leaving for several hours, early the next morning, so you got a hotel room close to the airport.

You settled into the hotel room, sitting on the edge of the bed with In-ho. The two of you were filled with anxiety and anticipation of what was to come. You looked over at him and noticed him staring forward, lost in thought. You held his hand.

"In-ho, it's going to be okay."

He looked at you sadly. "I hope so."

You wrapped your arm around him, resting your head on his shoulder, staying silent.

He rested his head on yours. "I don't want to lose you... again. And I just want you to be safe."

"After this, we will be safe. And we won't be separated, so don't go running off again, okay?" You lightly chuckled.

He exhaled softly and kissed the top of your head. "I won't. I promise."

Shortly after, you climbed in bed, both of you tossing and turning for a while before falling asleep.


During the night, you were tormented by nightmares. You dreamed over and over of you and In-ho confronting the Overseer, and every time In-ho died. Every time you saw it, it felt like a knife had been pushed through your heart and twisted, over and over again. After several times of the same dream happening, you finally woke up, sweaty and twisted in the bedsheets with In-ho.

You were laying on your side with In-ho next to your waist, hugging you from behind. As you became conscious, you could tell In-ho was also having nightmares. He was breathing heavily and almost crying in his sleep. You slightly turned around and shook him awake.

"In-ho? In-ho, it's okay, wake up."

His breathing slowed and you saw him slowly open his eyes. He looked fearful at first, but relaxed when he saw your face in the dim light from the window.

You stroked his face. "It's okay, it was only a dream."

He sighed and leaned his head forward on your neck, pulling you in closer. You turned back to your side and settled back to where you were, with In-ho spooning you.

He leaned forward to kiss your cheek a few times before kissing down to your neck feverishly. You sighed, relaxing into his touch. He had many emotions swirling in his mind, but most of all he felt frantic, wanting you as close to him as possible. Wanting as much of you as he could get.

He became more rough with his kisses and reached towards one of your breasts, quickly grabbing it. You moaned loudly then, the sudden sensation going straight to your core. In-ho was captivated by your moans, pressing his erection on your back. You reached behind you to touch his hip, encouraging him to continue.

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