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it was a regular day, Y/N got up from her extremely comfortable bed for it to be in the undercity and walked to her bathroom

she took a quick shower before throwing on her usual outfit, a shirt that was now somewhat tight on her —due to the muscle she gained after joining the firelights— and some pants which were awfully comfortable, alongside a jacket that matched her hair color

Y/N walked outside of her room, only to be greeted by five little kids who hugged her tightly

"Hi Miss Y/N" they all said in unisom

"Thatcher! come get your kids!" Y/N yelled to her friend

"kids! leave Y/N alone!" Thatcher yelled while working on the mural, all of the kids giggled and ran away

"hello there" Ekko stood besides Y/N, while proudly admiring what he achieved with only a dream and a few supporters

"hi, heard ya'll were interfering with some cargo today?" Y/N turned so she was facing Ekko

"yeah, want to tag along?" asked Ekko

"do I look like I want to 'tag along'?" asked Y/N as she gestured to her face

she had bags underneath her sleepy eyes, Ekko whinced

"well you sure had a shit night, what happened?" he asked

"I just couldn't sleep" Y/N shrugged

"thinking about stillwater?" asked Ekko

"yeah, even under the protection of a big, mean, scary, lady, things would often get... rough" Y/N said

"no worries, stay in, sleep more if you need to, we need our doc ready if anything backfires" Ekko said as he turned again to face the mural

"why? is this gonna be something dangerous?" asked Y/N

"Jinx is gonna be there, and you know that whenever Jinx is there someone ends up with stiches" Ekko shrugged

"that doesn't rhyme"

"oh shut up" Ekko elbowed Y/N

"take care" Y/N said

"whatever ya' say mom" he lifted up his hand, indicating for people to get ready for their mission

Y/N scoffed

as soon as Y/N got out of the prison, she was told that if she were to come back to visit, she woukd get thrown into the prison again for whatever reason, that was why she couldn't visit her friend

she knew as soon as she returned to the streets, that she'd need to find a group of people to hang with, get a reputation for herself

she found Ekko and his firelights attacking some of Silco's shimmer-addicts for a cargo, and she knew what side of the fight she wanted to be on

she wanted to be on the side that helped shimmer survivors, on the side that was a safe community , on the side her biological mother would've been

the mother who a nut job killed, the mother who she was framed for killing, it was honestly stupid since that woman was all she had left

anyhow, after everyone left, she stared at the mural for a little longer

at her friend with pink hair, she remembers the day they met as if it was yesterday

"well she's new" she remembers telling the old lady who took her in

"don't make a mess for me to clean up Y/N" she warned as she took a sip of her water

"relax Mariah, I won't. I just want a new friend that's all! remember, I'm still a kid"

"fine, but I'll be watching you kiddo" Y/N remembered the woman saying

"whatever ya' say!"

Y/N remember aproaching the girl who was eating alone

"get the fuck away from me" she snarled

"gee, nice to meet you, too" she remembers seating in front of Vi

Y/N chuckled at the memories

"Miss Y/N?" one kid called out

Y/N got on her knees so that she was able to face the child, the firelights who were going on the mission already leftk

"I like your back tattoos" she gigled

"thank you, little one" she caressed the kids cheek

"did they hurt?" she asked

"some parts more than others, but it was worth it at the end" said Y/N

"I'm going to get my whole back tattood just like you!" she exclaimed with a giggle

"after you're eighteen then do as you please" Y/N said as she stood up

"one day I'm gonna get my whole back tattood"

"us both, Vi"

"you know, I'd like to get tattood 'Vi' on my face but in roman numbers, whatcha think?"

"do as you please, bee"

"stop calling me that! I was only stung by a bee once!"

both of the girls laughed their asses off

"hello? earth to Y/N?" Ekko snapped his fingers in front of Y/N's face

"oh, hey. back so soon?" Y/N asked

"you really didn't hear what I said just now?" Ekko said with a saddened sigh

"no, why? what happened?" Y/N asked as she followed Ekko inside of the room were Y/N would heal people up

"Y/N, Rose she... she was shot, by Jinx" Ekko said as he opened the door for her, Y/N walked in

she stared at the girl who was once her friend, her mother and father looked up with red swolen up eyes from crying

"oh my" Y/N rushed to Rose's side

she inspected her, the parents watched her meticulously

"so? can you save her?" asked her mother

"I'm sorry, she's too far gone" Y/N said as she stood up

"no! my baby!" the woman screamed and sobbed as she held her limp daughter's body in her arms

Y/N left the family to grief, she was outside, hyperventilating

"Y/N?" Ekko placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, she hugged him tight

over the years, they had become extremely close, almost like brother and sister

after a few minutes, Y/N pulled away

"I— I think I'm going to take a day out, or two... I just need to clear my mind from... well, this" she pointed to the room were her now dead friend was resting

"yeah, sure. take your hover board if you can" Ekko said

"you know how I feel about carrying around a hover board" Y/N said as she put her hoodie on

"yeah, right. Well, have fun I guess?" Ekko said

"I'll do my best" Y/N saluted before getting her bag who had her essentials — money, a warmer jacket and a gun— before heading out

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