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Y/N stopped at the last drop for some drinks, when she sat down, the bartender spoke up

"what can I get you?" the woman asked

"as many shots as you'd like, but they have to be vodka or some strong shit" she said

the bartender chuckled

"who you trynna' forget?" she asked as she poured one shot of vodka and placed it in front of Y/N

"an old friend" Y/N quickly downed the drink

she was used to the burning sensation of the strong alcohol, so she didn't react when it went down her throat

"well, usually, people don't try to forget old friends. perhaps someone you liked more than a friend?" asked the bartender as she poured Y/N another shot

"I think I only liked liked one person in my whole life"

"yeah? who was it bee?"

"you'll never know" Vi giggles

Y/N downed her shot

"huh, what you know? you might be right about that one" Y/N downed her drink with a light chuckle

"us bartenders see everything, so we know everything" the woman poured Y/N another shot

Y/N contemplted it before looking up at the woman who gave her some company

Y/N stood up from her seat, the woman's eyes were glued on her

she downed her drink quickly

"Y/N" the 23-year-old extended her hand for the woman to shake

"Amelia" the bartender shook Y/N's hand, there was wonder in her eyes

she grabbed the woman by the hem of her shirt, her eyes went wide, she wasn't expecting this to happen

"keep the change" she whispered to Amelia's ear as she slammed five coins on the table

when Y/N let the woman go, she winked at her, the woman looked in utter shock

and with that, Y/N left, it was already night by then

she went to a building she'd only imagined she'd get to know, she was tipsy, almost drunk

but since she wasn't drunk drunk, she managed to find the building

"before I got arrested, I went to this building all the goddamn time. It was where I could go if I needed to be alone or just a timeout"

Y/N and Vi were cuddling on a janitor's closet, the only place where'd they get some privacy

"that sounds so nice" Y/N said as she hugged Vi tighter

"I'll take you there someday when we get out" Bee informed Y/N

"what makes you think we'll get out?" Y/N remembers asking with a light chuckle

"hey, a girl can dream" Vi said with a smile, both of them laughed

"gosh, bee. I miss you so much" Y/N stared at the view

Vi told her so many times about that spot, Y/N had basically memorized what the route was, she told Vi that she could go alone if she wanted to, thanks to all the times Vi talked about it

and Y/N was right

"I hope that, wherever you are, you've managed to not get your shit beat out" Y/N said with a light chuckle while looking at the sky, a small tear slipped through, Y/N quickly wiped it away

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