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Y/N woke up, somehow she was warm, it was weird since she didn't grab herself her blanket

then, she felt a pair of hands pressing her against something

she looked at the hands, they were Vi's

"Vi?" Y/N called out her lover in a hushed murmer

"yeah?" she asked groggily

"I told you that we shouldn't sleep in the same bed" Y/N said in a low tone as she groaned

Vi started to place gentle kisses alongisde her lover's neck

Y/N moaned very softly, Vi smiled into the small kisses, she squeezed Y/N's wrist and trailed kisses up to her ear

"you really want me to go now?" Vi whispered seductivly into Y/N's ear

Y/N shook her head 'no', then, Vi turned Y/N over and sat on top of her, she then softly kissed her Y/N's and then went down her neck, leaving hickeys all over her, she then took off Y/N's shirt,

it wasn't un-common for Y/N to put on clithes when she was asleep, she did this often unconsciously to avoid the cold

Y/N moaned eagerly waiting for Vi's lips to crash onto her skin once again

but surprisingly, they never did

all of a sudden, Vi stood up quickly, Y/N sat up

"what? what's wrong?" she asked, confused as to why Vi had stopped

"how many hours have we been asleep?" Vi asked anxiously, Y/N checked her watch

"couple of hours, why?" Y/N asked

"good. I have to go fight Sevika" Vi said determined, she took of her t-shirt and put on her bra, slightly wincing at the pain that quick action caused her

"you're not going anywhere" Y/N informed her girlfriend as she stood up and took Vi's shirt from her, she then grabbed Vi's wrist tightly, preventing her from goinf

"Sevika was the one who stabbed me" Vi informed Y/N

Y/N's eyes went red, she through Vi's shirt at her and let her go, then she put her shirt on and grabbed her newest and better weapon, the knife she stole from the councilman, she laced the string attached to it to her wrist, ready to gp

"grab your gauntlets" Y/N ordered as she approached the door

"I have to fight her alone" Vi said as she put her gauntlets on

"you're crazy if you think you're fighting her all alone, if you want, I can go into a hidden spot in the roof and only drop in if you need it. but there's no way you're going to fight that bitch by yourself bee" Y/N stated

"fine" Vi said before pecking Y/N's lips

"let's go then" Y/N said with a smirk as she opened the door for Vi

Vi chuckled with her head down as she left the room, Y/N right after her


right outside the last drop, Vi and Y/N stopped in their tracks

Y/N turned to face Vi, then she grabbed her by the back of her neck and smashed their lips together

after a brief moments Vi pulled away, panting

"I have to do this" she said

"I know, I'll be watching just in case" Y/N said, Vi smiled softly at her before putting her gauntlets on and entering the building

just as when Y/N was about to climb up and into the hidden spot in the roof, she was knocked out


she woke up in a dark room, she saw that there were eight chairs, however, only two were being occupied

one by her, and another by her mortal enemy, Silco, and he was unconscious

"hello?" Y/N called out

"hello" a voice said, a very familiar voice said

"Jinx" Y/N muttered under her breath

"ding ding ding!" she said

"let me go!" Y/N said loudly, Jinx was lurking in the shadows, Y/N tried to struggle out of her ropes but failed

"how do you know my sister?" Jinx asked, there was clear curiosity on her tone

"we met at stillwater" Y/N said

"I see..." Jinx started

"can I say something?" Y/N asked, letting her gaurd down

"go for it" Jinx said exitedly

"I have two things to say; one, now that I know that you are Powder, I view you completely differently. I don't know if it'll help much; but from where I see it? you were just a child, and your world fell all aorund you, I don't think anyone expected you to eat sunflowers and shit rainbows, I don't think that after all the trauma you went through anyone expected you to be completely mentally stable" Y/N said, she then heard a sniffle

"what is the other thing?" Jinx asked, her voice wavering

"Vi missed you, a lot. I know that you think that she must've replaced you, but when we were back in stillwater she would spend hours talking about you ir bawling her eyes out at the thought of you being dead. that girl could never replace you, you're her sister" Y/N said

"what did she say about me?" Jinx's voice still wavered

"that she loved you, that you were her whole world, that you were the sweetest child, she told me how you were so invested in building things, how often ya'll would pillow fight and have a blast, but guess what she told me all of the time?"

"what?" Jinx asked, eagerly but also emotionally

"that she missed you, Powder" Y/N said with worried eyes

"I'm not Powder, and I'm not weak" Jinx spat angrily

"I didn't mean to say—" Y/N started, Jinx cut her off

"mmm... I think we're missing a couple of persons" she said, completely shifting her mood and tone

"it's people, a couple of people. people is the plural for person" Y/N corrected her girlfriend's sister

she heard Jinx's breathing behind her, however, she couldn't turn to face her, that made her anxiety sky rocket

"and just for that, you got yourself a trip to sleepy town" Jinx said, before knocking Y/N out again

1025 words

[AN - Hi guys! thanks for all the support ♡︎♡︎

I wanted to ask ya'll if you would like a vi x fem oc fanfic but it would be in college, meaning in an alternative universe

If ya'll would be willing to read it, I would start posting it after I finish up with this fanfic, that way I won't have any unfinished books!

- Alex]

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