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after that, Y/N dropped her towel again, however, this time, she was finally able to put clothes on

with Vi staring nonetheless

once they were both changed and ready to adress the council, they walked up to Caitlyn's room and knocked on the door

the piltie chick opened the door

"hey" she said with a light blush

okay, Y/N now saw what Vi meant

"hey" Vi said rudely as she walked into the room, Y/N followed her

"when do we have that audience?" Vi asked as she sat on Caitlyn's bed

"we'll present our case to the council tonight" the piltie chick said as she closed the door

Y/N sat besides bee, bee wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's waist

Caitlyn sat down besides them, staring with envy in her eyes

"you did this all yourself? without going down there?" Vi asked as she stared at the piltie chick's research board

Caitlyn nodded, bee sighed

"and I thought Powder could get obsessed" Vi scoffed

Y/N laced her fingers with Vi's and squeezed her hand

"what happened to her, it's not your fault" the piltie chick said

"when my parents were still alive..." Vi started

"me and powder used to share a bed just like this. except, maybe, half the size"

"we played a game where we would pretend to be bigger and bigger monsters, so she would say; 'I'm a slug monster with venom for ooze' " Vi continued

"sometimes, I... I'd get carried away and she'd get scared. I didn't want her to start crying and wake my parents up, so... I pretended to chase my own monsters away"

"I'd say; 'no monster's gonna get you when I'm here' "

"and then a real monster showed up. and I just ran away" Vi squeezed Y/N's hand tightly

"I left her" Y/N hugged Vi

again, Y/N could feel the piltie chick staring

Vi started to slowly tear up, then both of them pulled away

"you know it yourself Vi; you were arrested, you tried to come back, but you couldn't" Y/N said, while cupping one of Vi's cheek with her hand, Vi let her head rest on that hand

"still, I should've fought harder" Vi let herself fall on the bed

"you were drugged bee" Y/N let herself fall on the bed just like Vi did a couple of moments ago

then, Caitlyn let herself fall on her bed like her friends did seconds ago

a silence fell through, between Y/N and Vi that wasn't awkward, but with the piltie chick there? things change

"I'm sorry for walking in on you changing" the piltie chick blurted out

"it's okay, it was an accident" Y/N said, still facing the ceiling

"you sure?" Caitlyn asked

"yeah, Y/N. you sure?" Vi asked, again, there was anger in her tone

Y/N held Vi's hand to get her to calm down

"yeah, accidents happen, but next time knock, please" Y/N said with a light chuckle at the end

"of course" the piltie chick replied

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