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after they finished hugging and sat down again, Caitlyn approached them, Y/N was resting her head on Vi's shoulder, Vi had a hand on Y/N's thigh

Caitlyn sat besides them

"did you tell her?" the piltie chick asked Vi

"tell me what?" Y/N lifted her head from Vi's shoulder and turned to look at the piltie chick

"we're giving the stone back to Piltover" Caitlyn announced

"and why the fuck is that stone important?" Y/N asked in a joking mood, obviously not mad

"with the right knowledge, someone could make any hextech device with it. and that includes weapons" Vi explained

"but with that we could take down Silco, why should we give it up?" Y/N was now confused

"that way we'll be able to end this cycle of violence, Ekko will give my people the stone" Caitlyn said

Y/N was confused, looking down at her hands

"hey, do you trust me?" Vi gently squeezed Y/N's thigh, Y/N turned her head to face Vi

Y/N nodded at her

Y/N felt Caitlyn's eyes on them, why was she staring?

"okay" Y/N sighed

"but I'll come with as well" Y/N informed them as she stood up

"weren't you in bad terms with Ekko?" Caitlyn asked

"how do you know about that?" Y/N asked

the piltie chick stood up

"just had a hunch, now, I don't know what happened between you two, but don't let it get in between your cause" Caitlyn looked at Y/N with heart eyes

"okay? I wasn't planning on that, that's why I said that I'd come with" Y/N said confused, she prolonged the 'o' from the word 'okay'

"then we should get moving" bee said

once at the bridge, it was already night, Vi stopped walking, so Y/N, Ekko and Caitlyn were forced to as well

"bee?" Y/N called out

"I can't leave her again" Vi said

"you can't change her" Ekko replied

"I have to try" Vi shrugged

Ekko went up to Vi and hugged her

"don't get yourself killed" Ekko said

"no promises" Vi replied

then Caitlyn approached Vi and hugged her as well

"you've been a great friend" Caitlyn said into the hug

"you too" Vi replied

then, the piltie chick let go of the hug, and Y/N approached bee

Vi gently caressed Y/N's chin

"come here you" bee brought Y/N in for a hug

"it's been real, Y/N. stillwater and here" Vi said into the hug

"I'm glad that it has been so, bee" Y/N said

after a few minutes, they broke the hug

"thanks for everything" bee said

and with that, Vi walked away, back into the undercity

hesitantly, all three —Ekko, Caitlyn and Y/N— walked towards the topside

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