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Y/N sat down on the piltie chick's bed, bee sat besides her

Vi looked down and gasped, then she applied pressure on Y/N's thigh

"oh my god Y/N!" Vi exclaimed

"oh, so that's where the pain came from" Y/N looked down at her bloody thigh

"did you not know?" Vi asked in shock

"I just found out now that you pointed it out" Y/N shrugged

"how can you not know if you're hurt?" Vi asked

"you know what stillwater does to you" Y/N said

then a maid knocked on the door

"come in!" bee said loudly

the maid walked in and left the requested items on the bed next to Y/N and Vi

"Mrs and Mr. Kiramman won't like it if you dirty the bed" the maid said, why did everyone in this house— no, why did everyone in this palace have the same goddamn accent?

"of course, can we dirty the towels?" Vi asked

"with blood?" asked the maid

bee nodded

"as long as you wash it after"

"isn't that your job?" Vi retorted

"not when it comes to you people" and with that, the maid left the room

Y/N started moving towards the floor, Vi stopped her

"woah, what are you doing?" bee grabbed Y/N's arm and sat her back on the bed

"you heard the lady" Y/N said with a shrug

"I actually don't give a flying fuck about what that cunt said, you're staying in that bed until I say so, we clear?" Vi said in a dominant tone

"yes ma'am" Y/N saluted

"okay, then let me help you. I'm gonna go get a rag from Caitlyn's bathroom. Stay put" Vi ordered

"will do" Y/N said with a wink

then Vi did as she said she would, that gave Y/N some time alone to think

Y/N knew she had a massive crush on Vi, and today she would stop being a coward

she would finally tell Vi how she felt, Y/N just had to find the right moment

then, bee walked out of the bathroom with a rag

"okay, I'll start with your thigh, but you'll have to take your pants off for me to heal you up" Vi said as she grabbed the tweezers and kneeled in front of Y/N

"w—what?" Y/N blushed hardly

"I know that you may not be comfortable, but I can give you my jacket for you to cover your— you know" Vi cleared her throat

"okay" Y/N said, bee turned around, and Y/N took off her pants

"they're off" Y/N announced, Vi —with her back still facing Y/N— took off her jacket and handed it to her

then Y/N quickly covered what she didn't want to be seen, "done?" bee asked

"yep" Y/N said, then bee rested her arms on Y/N's knees to work better, and then she started to pull the firelight scraps out

Y/N just winced a bit at the pain

"all the scraps are out, time to disinfect" Vi said as she dampened the rag with alcohol

"okay" Y/N exhaled

Vi gently patted the wound with the alcohol rag, Y/N winced in pain, the realization hit bee

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