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Y/N lay on the bed while waiting for Vi, then Vi walked out covered in a towel to get her pajamas

after a few minutes, she walked out

"okay, so what did you want to talk about?" she asked as she sat besides Y/N

"okay, so I want to tell you this because I honestly can't keep hiding it from you, and well... here it comes" Y/N exhaled loudly

"I like, really really like like you"

Vi's eyes went wide

"and I know that I should've said it sooner but I was scared that you'd leave me and what would I do if you left? so I—" Vi interrupted Y/N by bringing her into a kiss by the back of her neck

Y/N was caught by surprise, however she immediately returned the kiss, she sat on top of Vi

both girls were devouring each other, and Y/N's feelings were multiplicated by a thousand

there were no longer butterflies in her stomach, but fireworks, a stampede, a goddamn hurricane

their tounges danced together rhythmically, as in sincrony, Y/N felt a fire forming in her stomach, she was craving for more, craving for Violet

Y/N pushed Vi down so she was now in top of her, bee turned them around and continued kissing her desperately

Vi let go of Y/N for a second to take off her and Y/N's shirt, and since they were ready to sleep, either of them had a bra on

Vi quickly moved her mouth to Y/N's neck, that way planting hickeys all over it

at each hickey, Y/N softly moaned, then Vi made her way up to Y/N's ear

"do you want to be my girlfriend?" Vi whispered, panting

"fuck yeah" Y/N said

"do you want for us to have sex?"

"fuck yeah"

Y/N was already eager for Vi's touch

"do you trust me?" Vi asked again

"fuck yeah" that was the only answer Y/N could formulate in the heat of the moment

"then we're gonna have a hell of a night" VI chuckled while gazing into Y/N's lips

"I'm all yours" Y/N managed to get out


the next morning, Y/N woke up completely naked, only covered by a blanket, Vi was gone

well, not gone gone, Y/N heard water dripping from the bathroom, and steam coming out of the slightly opened door, so, without bee noticing, she walked into the bathroom, only to find out that Vi was taking a bath

bee offered Y/N a hand to help herself into the bathtub, and Y/N took it gracefully

Y/N sat next to her girlfriend, and rested her head on Vi's chest

on Vi's naked chest

bee caressed Y/N's hair, Y/N wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist

god, it felt good to call Vi her girlfriend


"what is it?"

"I had a great time last night" Y/N confessed as she snuggled even more into Vi's chest

"you did?" Vi asked

"mhm" Y/N hummed

"it actually was my first time" Vi chuckled nervously

"really?" Y/N looked up to bee

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