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Y/N woke up, when she stood up, she took another much-needed shower, she then went to open the door, only to find Ekko ready to knock on it

Y/N stared at him

"I'm sorry Y/N" Ekko said, he was tapping his foot, up and down, he was fidgeting with his fingers, and he looked extremely guilty

"and..?" Y/N said so Ekko would go on

"You were grievieng the lost of an important person to you, and I made it about myself, I'm sorry Y/N" he looked up at Y/N with guilty eyes

Y/N stared at him with a stern look

"oh come here" Y/N hugged him tightly, Ekko did too

"I could never stay mad at you for long" Y/N said into the hug

after a few minutes, they broke the hug

"are there any missions today?" Y/N asked

"not for now, no. Why?" Ekko asked

"Vi used to talk to me about this place were her and Powder grew up, wanna come and check it out?" Y/N asked as she elbowed Ekko's arm

"I'd love to, but I can't risk Vi seeing me. You go" Ekko scratched his head

"why are you so against seeing Vi again?" Y/N asked

"Can't tell" Ekko said

"fine, I'll go there. But then I wanna spend some time with you here alright?" Y/N asked

"yeah, yeah. go now" Ekko stood out of Y/N's way

Y/N nodded at Ekko before leaving and then left


Y/N slowly crept into the other place Vi went on and on about, a trail of blood brought her worry

there she saw Vi, all alone, wincing in pain, and covering a very obvious, very large, very blood-y wound

"bee!" she yelled and went to her side

"what happened bee?" Y/N asked with desesperation as she applied more pressure to Vi's wound

Vi winced again

"what happened bee? who did this to you?" Y/N asked

"Sevika" Vi managed to get out

"and where's that piltie friend of yours?" Y/N asked as she placed herself on top of Vi's lap, that way she would get a better view of her wound

Vi didn't respond

"let me see that" Y/N said

Vi removed her trembling hand

"that doesn't look good bee" Vi then brought her hand back to her gushy wound

"I know" Vi chuckled through the pain

"I'm going to kill your piltie friend for leaving you here alone" Y/N said through gritted teeth

"please don't" Y/N heard a british voice, she turned, and there she was

"are you mentally insane?!" Y/N yelled at the enforcer

"why the fuck did you leave her here all alone like this?!" Y/N yelled again

"I didn't leave her alone for nothing, I got her this" the enforcer dangled a small shimmer vial as she got next to Y/N

"unclasp that for me, will ya'?" Y/N asked

"you know how she's supposed to take this? I mean I was told—" Caitlyn started

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