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Y/N woke up to the sound of regular ol' crazy Jinx, as she opened her eyes, the little sister noticed her consciousness

"look at you, smarty pants" she said loudly with a laugh

Jinx quickly moved herself so her mouth was next to Y/N's ears, then she whispered; "you're up, and just in time"

Y/N looked to her sides, Vi was there, and tied to a chair by ropes just like her

Jinx then quickly stood straight, her mood completely changing

"hm... looks like we're missing someone" Jinx said, before leaving for a breif moment

"are you okay?" Vi asked worriedly

"I'm fine, what about—" Y/N was interrupted by the sound of a covered plate dropping in front of Vi

"I paid your girlfriend a visit this morning" she placed her hand on the handle of the cover of the plate

"my girlfriend?" Vi looked at Y/N with a confused look

then Y/N put two and two together, Jinx thought that Vi and Cait were together

"you know... that other blue-haired lady in your life?" Jinx said, trying to ring a bell

"you mean Caitlyn?" Y/N asked

"shut up, no one's talking to you" Jinx yelled at Y/N

"what did you do to Caitlyn?" Vi asked, regaining Jinx's attention

"I made her a snack!" Jinx said innocently

"huh?" Vi spoke, confused

Y/N wished that it wasn't the piltie's chick head under the plate cover

then, Jinx quickly removed the cover, showing a cupcake that lay there with the glowing blue stone as a topping, as Jinx did this action, Vi yelled 'no!' as she turned her head away, Y/N just stared in shock

"phew..." Y/N sighed in relief

"sheesh, I'm not that crazy" Jinx replied

"Jinx, Caitlyn is not my girlfriend" Vi said

but by then, Jinx stepped into the shadow

she then returned with an unconscious Caitlyn, the piltie chick was tied to a chair, with a gag in her mouth, that way preventing her from speaking

"Powder please! leave them out of this!" Vi said

"now..." Jinx ignored her pleading sister

"where should I seat?" Jinx asked, Vi turned her face to observe two seats, one had Jinx written on it and the other Powder

Jinx murmered something into Vi's ears, Y/N couldn't listen

and Caitlyn was awake

"why do you want to know?" Vi asked

"tomato tomato, you said that Caitlyn wasn't your girlfriend, so that only leaves..." Jinx started

then she pointed her gun at Y/N

"you" she said

she then turned giggling to her sister

"gosh I'm so smart" she said, then she smashed her gun into Vi's tied hands

"back to where we were, you see those chairs? where I sit is your choice sis" Jinx said to Vi's ears

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