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Y/N woke up thanks to her annoying alarm, only for today she set it up earlier because of Vi, the kids groaned

"I have to get up" Y/N whispered

"no!" Jack whisper-yelled while holding tightly onto Y/N

"come on, I bet that Mark and Lauren are looking for you"

"we don't want to see our dads, we want to stay right here with you" Sydney protested

"I have to go take a shower and see Ekko" Y/N whispered

then, three gentle knocks were heard

Y/N stood up to go and get it, as she got up, both of the kids groaned

Y/N then opened the door to see two very worried men

"are Sydney and Jack here?" one of them asked

"yes, don't worry Mark. Would you perhaps take them back with you? I have things to do" Y/N said

"of course" replied Lauren

then, Y/N stepped aside, both of the parents walked in, then they walked out with their kids in hand

as soon as they closed the door, Y/N was alone, she walked into the bathroom and took a shower

after she was ready for the day, she went to the infirmary to visit Ekko

she walked in without knocking, Ekko turned his head to face his sister

"can we talk? please?" Ekko said, no, he begged

"five minutes" Y/N closed the door and leaned on it

"I'm so so so so dumb, I never should've used you, especially knowing what was at risk for you. That was a dick move of me, and I'm very sorry" Ekko said in a single breath

Y/N chuckled

"what?" Ekko asked in confusion

Y/N walked towards him

"you already know, I can't be mad at you for long" she hugged Ekko, and he immediately hugged her back

"I missed you" he said, it came out muffled due to the fact that he was pressing his face against Y/N's shoulder

"me too Ekko" Y/N pat the back of her little brother

then, after a few minutes, Y/N broke the hug

"I should wait for Vi back in my room, if you need anything, let just scream" Y/N said

"will do sis" Ekko replied as Y/N walked out


a few minutes after Y/N lay on her bed, Vi walked in, she had both of the magic gauntlets on

and bee had cuts and bruises all over her face

"bee..." Y/N's eyes widened with worry

Vi let the gauntlets fall off of her hands, they made a loud thump

Y/N rushed to her girlfriend and provided her support by grabbing her by the waist, she lead her towards her bed, where Vi let herself fall

Y/N cupped Vi's face while looking desperately for any critical-looking injuries, when she didn't find anything, she moved further down, she placed her left knee on the left side if the bed, and her right knee on the right side of the bed, that way being directly on top of Vi while her head faced bee's stomach

"I'm flattered sweet cheeks, but I don't think that I'm in an 'ideal' phyisical state" Vi said with a light, weakened chuckle

"I don't want to fuck you, I want to check for injuries" Y/N said while she turned her head to face her lover

"ouch, that's a good way to hurt a woman's ego" Vi said sarcastically

"haha. very funny" Y/N said sarcastically

"I need to lift your shirt, I have to check for any internal injuries" Y/N said

"go for it" bee replied

Y/N lifted Vi's shirt just below her breasts, she saw a bruise extending underneath the shirt

"I have to take it off" Y/N announced

"you should also take my bra off, that way you'll have a better view, right?" Vi winked

"I actually do need to do that" Y/N murmered as she took off Vi's shirt

when Y/N went to unclasp Vi's bra, she stopped her

"I need to have a good view so I can endure this mortal pain, while you give one?" Vi asked with a smirk

Y/N rolled her eyes as she took off her shirt, being left only in a sports bra and her bottoms

"I hate you" Y/N said sarcastically as she proceeded to unclasp Vi's bra

"oh, but you love me" bee said teasingly

Y/N scoffed as she placed Vi's bra on her nightstand

"jesus christ, Vi" Y/N said with a gasp as she stared at the brused, naked chest before her

"like what you see? 'cause I definitely am enjoying the view" Vi teased Y/N again

"while I like what I'm seeing, I'm concerned that you might've broke some ribs" Y/N said as she ran her hand softly through Vi's bruised skin

"your hands are soft" Vi said

"these hands are checking to see if I'll have to kick Ekko's butt out of the infirmary and put you on bed rest" Y/N said with a light chuckle

"Ekko's in the infirmary?" Vi's face went white

"sprained ankle from his fight with your sister, he's just your regular ol' crybaby" Y/N chuckled

"oh, okay. how are you and him? good terms?" Vi asked as she observed Y/N's hand

"yup, forgave him just before you came in" Y/N said

after a few other minutes of Y/N inspecting Vi went by and her teasing the fuck out of her, Y/N spoke up

"looks like nothing's broken, you're just really bruised" Y/N said, however she was still on top of Vi, and her hands were resting on her lover's stomach

"that idiot Jayce saw one dead kid and chickened out" Vi said with a scoff

"you're shitting me" Y/N said in disbielief

"am not, at least he let us keep our weapons" Vi said

"yeah, at the very least" Y/N said

then, Y/N went to grab Vi's shirt to help her get changed, she then started to put it on Vi, however she accidentally brushed her lovers nipple, bee gasped at the sudden touch

"sorry" Y/N said as she finished putting Vi's shirt

"don't apologize for making me gasp, love. be proud" Vi said with a wink

"why all of a sudden the pet names?" Y/N asked with a chuckle as she sat besides Vi

"'cause they make you nervous, and I love making you nervous" Vi said, as she turned to kiss Y/N passionately

"ah, ah. you're extremely sore for sex, you'll rest" Y/N said while stopping Vi

"hey you forgot my bra" Vi said with a chuckle as she saw her bra on the floor

"I didn't forget it, it would only hurt you to wear a bra, it would hurt how it presses on your skin" Y/N said

"I'm gonna go take a nap" Y/N stood up and took the matress below the bed out

"you're not sleeping with me?" Vi asked, confused as to why Y/N didn't want to sleep with her

"I really want to, but with how sore you are, that would only cause damage. and that's the last thing I'm looking forwad to" Y/N said as she lay on the mattress

"you should get some sleep in after your adventures" Y/N said as she turned on her thin mattress

then, she closed her eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep

1258 words

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