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"you'll come to visit me once you get out, right?"

"of course bee!"

all different lights flashed, suddenly, she was at the main door of stillwater

"listen here undercity trash, you go anywhere near here and right back to a cell you go"

the gaurd's grip hurt

"but I have friends here!"

"I don't give a flying fuck"

he pushed her out of the prison

she turned around, suddenly it was her first day in prison

"hi kid, what's your name?"


"I'm Mariah, I'll take care of you"

"you will?"

"yes, now stop crying and get up"

again, those flashing lights. they took her right outside of stillwater, in front of her, Mariah and Vi stood

"you lied to us, you never came back" they said in unisom with an altered voice, it sounded as if they were robots

again those flashing lights, they took her to her childhood home, to the night it all went down

"Please, please don't hurt Y/N! do whatever you want to me, but don't hurt my baby!" Sophie begged on her knees

both of their hands were tied to their backs, Y/N's mother was begging to the man who broke into their house

he stabbed Sophie multiple times

"mom, no!"

blood, Y/N was drenched in her mother's blood

the man turned to her, he didn't have a face

Y/N closed her eyes for a brief moment

she opened her eyes, and suddenly, she was standing up, the man was long gone, her hands were no longer tied, she looked down

she was holding the knife?

no... she didn't do it...

she looked up again, her mother was standing up, with a bloody hole in her chest, the knife wasn't in her hands anymore, now it was burried in her mother's chest

"I gave you love and everything you could ask for, why did you do it, Y/N? Why did you kill me?"

she looked down at her hands again, when she looked back up, her mother's body was long gone

"you're under arrest for the murder of Sophie L/N" she was being cuffed

"no, wait, you're wrong! it wasn't me!"

"It wasn't me!" Y/N woke up from her dream agitated and in the rush of the moment sat up extremely quickly

she was all sweaty

immediately all of the people in the room stood up, she was in the room where she healed people up, but this time, as a patient

"It's okay, Y/N. You're okay" Ekko hugged Y/N careful to not cause her pain

"mommy she's awake!" a little girl said to her mother

Y/N looked down at her shoulder, she was all stiched up

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