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Y/N and Vi walked into Jayce's room carefully, well, it wasn't actually a room, he was making some sort of hammer

they didn't make a sound, that way Jayce wouldn't be startled, Y/N manspread on a table while VI stood up

"you want to make Silco pay for for what he's done?" Vi asked

"I could have you two arrested" he threatened

"you guys really like to bandy that threat around" Vi said with a small scoff

"ever been to stillwater?" Y/N asked

"no" he replied, as expected

"so you just wave an arm, have someone dragged off. don't bother to find out what it does to someone, being stuffed in a stone box?" Vi asked

"maybe for days, weeks, months or/and even years?" Y/N continued Vi's point

Jayce sighed, then he spoke up

"I want to make Silco pay" he said

"and we want in" Vi replied

"you heard the council" Jayce replied

"fuck the council" Vi replied

"you said that you were tired of doing nothing, that's the only sensible thing that came out of anyone's mouth tonight" she continued

"I'm not a vigilante" he retorted

Vi started looking around the fancy, shiny, things

"no, you're a victim" Y/N said

Vi put on a big gauntlet

"this is so people notice you when you raise your hand in the boardroom?" Vi asked

Y/N grabbed a large knife which had blue streaks all along, it had a string, that whay Y/N could throw it around while not loosing it or loosing control of it, it was somehow more powerful than a regular knife

"and this? to chop up your fancy food?" Y/N asked

"we built both weapons for mining fissures" he said

"someone close to me had a pair of these" Vi said

"you're the first person Caitlyn looked for when we made it to topside" Y/N said

"of everyone up here, you're the one she trusted to do something" Vi added

Jayce sighed before saying; "what do you want me to do? arrest him?"

"Silco controls the undercity with shimmer" Vi said

"shut down his suppy and it's only a matter of time until his people turn his back on him" Y/N piped in

Vi put her arm with the gauntlet in a nearby coffe table, as if she was ready to arm wrestle

"and how do we do that?" he asked as he walked towards Vi, Y/N also approached bee and sat on top of the table

"take out his manufacturing facilities" Vi said

"hit 'em hard and fast, before he can react" Y/N added

Jayce stared at the fire and went silent, Vi spoke up


Y/N stood behind Vi and rested her arms on bee's shoulders, yes, the knife wuth blue streaks was dangling in the air

"we got a deal, pretty boy?" Vi said, extending her hand with the gauntlet to shake Jayce's gauntlet-free hand

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