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"You take your things for granted" Y/N said as she jumped from one building to another, with grace, this is what living in the lanes taught her

then Caitlyn jumped to the building Y/N jumped to

with much less grace

"you say that I take my parents for granted?" the piltie chick asked

"yeah, you're goddamn lucky" Y/N said as she went up a ladder

"and what happened to your mom? you said that only your father was killed by an enforcer" Caitlyn went up the ladder aftef Y/N

"was killed in a robbery at home. I saw it all, and an enforcer covered it up 'cause the killer was his friend" Y/N chuckled at the end, however, she was very sad

Caitlyn grabbed Y/N wrist and hugged her very tight

Y/N was extremely taken aback, that's why it took her a while to hug her back, but she did

and boy did she hug Caitlyn

she even sobbed a little

"I'm sorry for what the enforcers do and did to the undercity people, I also know that a simple apology isn't enough, but I now know what it's like here, and my mom is a member of the council, with that privilege I will do my very best to stop the corruption up there"

"thank you" Y/N broke the hug and wiped her tears away with her forearm

"no problem" the piltie chick said as she placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder

then she looked at Y/N weirdly

"come on, this is the final staircase, go first" Y/N moved from Caitlyn's way

"thanks" she smiled at Y/N

after the piltie chick was up, Y/N heard them talking while she herself started to to go up the staircase, she didn't pay too much mind at it, until when she finally reached the top, she saw who Vi's sister was

"Vi that's Jinx!" Y/N pointed her gun at Jinx, who was pointing her gun at Caitlyn

then realization hit Y/N

"and who is the other one?" Jinx asked

"another friend" Vi replied

"Powder is Jinx" Y/N gasped, still pointing her gun at her

"Caitlyn, Y/N, just listen, we can work this out" Vi was now facing Y/N and the piltie chick

"this is a trick! you're playing me!" Jinx said

Y/N never saw this side of Jinx

"shut up! I'm in no mood!"

"we didn't say anything" Caitlyn said what Y/N was thinking

"Powder it's okay—" Vi turned to her sister

"stop calling me that. It's Jinx now. Powder fell down a well"

"You're not a Jinx. God I never should've—" Vi tried approaching Jinx, but she interrupted Vi, oh and she also put her big gun to her neck

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child! was that why you came? for this stupid stone?" Jinx chuckled lightly

right then both Vi and Y/N saw the glowing blue stone

"no, I don't even know what that is I—" bee said in a much softer tone

"you're a class act sister! sister, I thought I missed her, bet you wouldn't miss her!" Jinx pressed the gun deeper into Vi's neck

"Powder! —Vi moved the gun away— I'm here for you. Only you"

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