Nurturing [Reader + Poison Mushroom/Licorice]

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Content: Platonic relationship with Licorice (alludes to possible future romance), parenting Poison Mushroom with Licorice, not really anything to seriously warn about, just cute stuff \o/ Enjoy!

Requested by @TheApple64


It was crazy, becoming a parent. Well, no, this situation couldn't be explained so simply. Dark Enchantress Cookie had gone missing after a massive confrontation with your kingdom and that had left her minions all on their own. There were countless heated arguments regarding their fates but in the end, it was decided that they could stay if they became law-abiding citizens like everyone else. However, Poison Mushroom was only a child, and they needed someone in their life who wasn't going to further lead them down the wrong path.

"I'd like to care for them."

You had gone through war with yourself over the decision because it was not an easy one. Would you be able to properly help Poison Mushroom? Could you raise them to be a happy, healthy cookie? Or were you going to make things worse? The anxiety and concern was so overwhelming but you had to do something.

"No, we're going to care for them!"

The loud, enraged voice that had followed up after yours had left everyone stunned. Licorice Cookie sounded as if he was offended that anyone else would even consider replacing him as Poison Mushroom's caretaker. A strange combination of cookies to do the job, you thought, but at least you were not going to be alone.

Fast forward to months later, with you sitting in the grassy field near the Cotton Candy Ranch, Poison Mushroom Cookie leaning up against your side as they paint a biscuit planter. You'd spent the weekend getting a bunch of the materials and crafting up a huge batch of the planters just for this afternoon, wanting to have somewhat of a party for the younger cookies. Your estimation skills suck though so you ended up with way more than enough and some of the adult cookies ended up joining in too.

"Mushy, lookie! Lookie! It's you and me and acorn jellies and lots of shroomies too!"

Pancake Cookie comes skipping up to the two of you, nearly falling over with his planter as he holds it up, talking faster than you can process his words as always. On the smooth surface is a lot of messy brown and purple but you can tell it's just as he said and you hear a happy giggle from your side.

"It is.. Lots of shroomies..! You're a good friend, Pancake.. I'll put lots of acorn jellies on mine too."

Poison Mushroom and Pancake both laugh and cheer before the other runs away again. As he does, you hear another set of shuffling sounds on the other side of you, and you turn to see Licorice sitting down. He's not too keen on the more social things you do, like these events you plan for Poison Mushroom, so he instead focuses on home activities and the like; seeing him here actually surprises you.

"Licorice? Is something the matter..?"

You lean towards him and keep your tone low in case there is something wrong but he shakes his head. Poison Mushroom is watching you both curiously but there's also a knowing look in their eyes as if they're seeing something you don't.

"N.. No. I just wanted to join."

He's restless and shifts closer to you, your arms bumping together, and you realize that he's probably having a bit of anxiety being surrounded by people who previously detested him. You put a hand on his back and gently rub, causing him to startle.

"We really appreciate you coming out here with us. Right, Poison Mushroom?"

"Of course.. I'm even happier now.. The spores are happier too!"

Poison Mushroom's expression is so joyful that your heart feels like it's going to explode with similar emotion. There's something about seeing other cookies being happy that makes your life so much better and this is a moment you'll never forget. As if to further drive that point home, Licorice gently wraps his arm around both of you, pulling you both close. It actually feels like you've found yourself a family.

"Oh, are you two together now? Like, a real couple?"

A curious voice comes from ahead of you and you look up to see Princess Cookie, tilting her head as she admires the three of you. As nosy as she can get, you know she never means harm. You can hear Licorice attempting to stammer out an answer but decide to respond before he dies trying to come up with something.

"Maybe someday. But for now, we're comfortable being close like this and taking care of Poison Mushroom even if we're not together, you know? And that's okay. Not every relationship has to be romantic."

Your answer seems to both please her and give her food for thought since she asks a couple more questions about what you mean. Licorice whispers his thanks to you, having voiced his trouble with intimacy in the past, and so handling the situation like you did left both his dignity and comfort intact.

Once Princess is done asking you about platonic relationships, you feel a tug at your side and look down to see Poison Mushroom holding up their planter. They're giving you a proud smile, confirming they're finished, and you take it from them to examine it.

"Oh, hey, that's really neat..!"

Licorice stares in awe at Poison Mushroom's work. For being so young, they're very talented, having painted the three of you together holding hands and smiling. Around you were little cake hounds, mushrooms, acorn jellies, doodles of other cookies, animals of all sorts, and a plethora of other little things.

"Can we plant shroomies in it..?"

"Of course we can! We can plant all kinds!"

You're so excited by the prospect of planting mushrooms for them and showing off their hard work. This moment may seem so mundane from the outside looking in but you can't help but feel so proud of Poison Mushroom right now. Is this what it feels like to be a parent? A real one? If so, you would love to keep doing this.

You look up at Licorice and he looks at you too. A genuine and warm smile crosses his face and you know he's feeling just the same way you are. Whether or not you'll ever become closer is yet to be seen but if the future looks like this, you can't say you'd be at all against it.

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