Gotta Bake 'Em All [Reader + Strawberry Crepe]

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Content: Pokemon references (hopefully not too confusing for people who have never played), not really anything else since it's all SFW and stuff \o/

Requested by @inotclairelolD


Enchanted Stakes, check. Gleamy Beads, check. And finally, the Fluffy Castella, che-- No. No.

"Where is the Fluffy Castella?"

You sharply turn to look at Lilac Cookie as he also glances around the packages you two carried to the train station. He isn't usually troubled by things unrelated to himself but this has visibly baffled him.

"Its box was wrapped in blue cloth and on top of the Gleamy Beads.. May you have an idea, Strawberry Crepe?"

You haven't even seen the little gremlin around and yet there they are suddenly, coming out of the bushes with the Fluffy Castella in the paws of one of their cat arms. It was most definitely not Halloween anymore but Strawberry Crepe adored their Yogurt Phantom costume enough to wear it every few days even though it's now close to Valentine's Day. Not like you could say you dislike it because the cat arms are really cute and so is Strawberry Crepe's outfit itself.

"I was waiting for you to go away! I don't want you around."

Just like that, Strawberry Crepe is blunt and straightforward with their demands as always. They run straight up to you and huff towards Lilac. It doesn't bother him and he simply shrugs.

"Will you give back the cargo if I do?"

"Yeah, yeah. I only took it so I'd get attention but then you had to ruin it."

Lilac stands and waits, until Strawberry Crepe realizes he's waiting for them to set the Fluffy Castella back down. The conductor has joined you guys but he stands awkwardly aside as soon as he takes notice of the staring contest between the two. Strawberry Crepe finally relents and sets it back on top of the boxes so that the conductor may load it up.

"There. Now will you leave us alone?"

Wait. Us?

"Hey, you're kidnapping me?!"

"More like catnapping, heh!"

Without warning, Strawberry Crepe picks you up with their cat arms, the little paws clutching you tight as their owner dashes away. Lilac watches you two and considers following behind to make sure you're safe, but then decides against it as everyone knows Strawberry Crepe favors you over anyone else in the kingdom. You're the only one that plays with them when they ask - that is, if they ask - and they play fair with you because they know you'll keep playing with them if they do.

After a few minutes of running around in a confusing, wild pattern of zigzags and spontaneous turns around buildings, you're dropped to the ground somewhat roughly at the far end of the kingdom from where you started. Strawberry Crepe isn't at all out of breath despite the mad dash and crazy distance while you're sitting here dizzy and confused. They wait a moment for you to regain your senses before they talk.

"I wanna play this game Strawberry mentioned to me. But.."

Strawberry Crepe pulls out their gaming console and looks visibly frustrated. You can't say you've ever seen them this way.

"I.. I can't beat it..!"

They look at you with tears in their eyes and the source of their distress is clear as day now. You gently take the game out of their hands and look at the screen, realizing you've played this one before, before you sit on the grass with them. Bakemon was a popular series and recent games had been very easy but you could tell that Strawberry Crepe had modded their game. The textures were crisp and clean to the point it almost looked like the same game but built in an entirely different game engine.

"Ah, did you change the difficulty? And where are you?"

"I made it so my Bakemon level up slowly because it was too easy, then added a tweak to enhance NPC Bakemon's stats.. I'm at the Elite Flour but I can't get past the cookie in the third room.."

You remember the Elite Flour is pretty brutal even in the unmodded version because your own team got tossed around mercilessly. If Strawberry Crepe hadn't also modded that awful change in difficulty then no wonder they couldn't get through. It takes you a moment but you remember the details of your own gameplay. You don't want to just tell them to mod that difficulty curve out of the game right away because you know that will make them feel like a failure.

"What Bakemon are you using?"

"Mostly Fairy, Electric, and Steel builds.. It's hard to use anything else because I really like those types."

Ah.. Aesthetic over function, it seems. You can't blame them in the slightest since you do it too but this still poses an issue.

"It sounds like your teams are going to struggle with most of the Bakemon they use. The Elite Flour is meant to challenge players more than usual so let's see if we can build you a team or two with Bakemon you like but are different types, okay?"

"Okay.. Do you have Bakemon?"

They look at you curiously and you nod.

"Would you want to play together sometimes then? I have lots of cool Bakemon for you.. Just 'cause they made me think of you.."

They dig their toe in the grass in front of them, not making eye contact with you. Strawberry Crepe's specialty was being loud and demanding if they wanted something but when it came to giving things to others, their attitude became so reluctant and unsure.

"Absolutely, Strawberry Crepe! I can help you fill
your Bakedex too since you and I have different game versions."


Their eyes sparkle like crazy as they lean towards you, eager to take your invitation already. But, for now, you two needed to get them past the Elite Flour and the Champion.

"Here, let's take a look at the Bakedex and see what we can find for your team.."


It took a couple hours out of your afternoon but you finally came up with a team build that Strawberry Crepe could try out first. They recorded notes for the Bakemon they needed to catch, level, or otherwise train and the strategy looks pretty solid so far. There's a smug smile across their face as they look at you as if they'd already won.

"Thank you for helping me.. But you can't tell anyone!"

"I wouldn't! Trust me, I won't say a word!"

You make a zipping motion across your mouth to exaggerate your promise. This makes them giggle.

"It's okay, I know you wouldn't. Best friends don't do that."

Their cat arms wrap around you, the little paws petting you gently, and you laugh at the warm feeling.

"Aw, I'm so glad to be your best friend, Strawberry Crepe! That means a lot."

You reach up and pet the cats back, knowing their forms are solid despite their faded out appearance, and it makes Strawberry Crepe grin. They're really a good kid when someone gives them the time of day.

Standing up, the two of you hug briefly, and say your goodbyes. It isn't until you get back home that you put your hand in your pocket to get your key that you realize there's something new in there. You reach in and pull out a little purple cube that sits comfortably in the palm of your hand, with a pink strawberry-shaped button on top. You have no doubt about where it came from but the real mystery is what it is.

Pushing the button makes the top of the cube flip backwards and a cat not unlike Strawberry Crepe's costume arms pops up, meowing at you and wiggling its paws and ears before disappearing into its cube again. Oh, heck, what a cute gift! You're overjoyed at the little mechanism and play with it a few more times before finally heading into your house.

You'll have to thank Strawberry Crepe and get them a gift too. If you'll be able to stop playing with your adorable cube long enough to, that is.

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