Fairgrounds Fun [Reader x Sorbet Shark]

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Content: Humans instead of cookies, established relationship, two very brief suggestive moments (one verbal, one finger-lickin' good), non-sexual touching/cuddling/kissing, mischievous brat, talk of yeehaw but I mean actual cowboy yeehaw because I'm from America that's what we do, minor swearing (hell, damn, etc), and also try not to imagine the sheer amount of butter and grease coming off the scones.

If you haven't read the chapter (located near the start) where I addressed my interpretation of Sorbet's age and you're concerned about it, please hop over there because I explain my take on their character and why! \o/

Also, the system at work is broken (of course only for me after I've been sick for so long and this is the first day I've been able to come in for more than 1-2 hours lol) so I've got too much time on my hands. Might crank out a chapter with headcanons next.


There's always something magical about the state fair. The brights and flashing lights, accompanied by the boisterous yells of children and adults alike, and the smells.. Oh, good lord, the smell of the scones in your hands is about to kill you. If Sorbet Shark doesn't get over here soon, you're going to consume both of them without remorse.

Well, you say that in your head, but you know you would feel so bad afterwards. Sorbet being confused and sad over the loss of their scone would be enough to send you to church and confess your sins. You don't want to deal with Pastry's ruthless chastising either though.


Coming your way is your precious partner, having their fill of excitement from petting the longhorn bulls over by the rodeo arena. They almost never came this far inland but when you saw the county fair was being advertised, you made the suggestion and Sorbet was more than ecstatic to give it a go. Seeing them light up at the prospect of a new adventure was worth the couple of hours driving over here.

"I bet you wanted to get on one, didn't you? Those things will throw you off faster than Espresso insults Madeleine. Want to go watch a bunch of cowboys try it anyways?"

You grin as you hand them their scone and they look at you with both fear and wonder regarding the idea. It's so funny seeing them like this, almost child-like in their expressions, because you already know what they're like when they're in their element. In the water Sorbet is confident and even pretty cocky about their abilities and knowledge of the world under the water. Despite the contrast, they always feel like the same person - always playful, positive, and warm-hearted. You really couldn't ask for a better partner.


Sorbet instead shakes their head - you can understand those particular bubbles as them being tired and just wanting to go home.

"Finish your scone and we'll head out. You can sleep on the way if you want to."

You gesture to the plate in their hands with the deep fried treat smothered in butter and they nod to you, proceeding to do as told as you smile at them. These things are hard to eat with your fingers but you prefer it to the flimsy plastic the vendor provides you. Looks like Sorbet isn't all too bothered by it as they scarf down theirs with immense joy.

"Slow down.."

You try to warn Sorbet but you realize the scone's gone by then. Holy hell, those shark traits are terrifying sometimes. They smile up at you before wobbling to a nearby trash can to throw away their plate and you follow suit as you increase the size of your own bites. You're not going to be left in the dust by them, damnit. Once you've thrown your plate away, you turn and catch the little goof licking their fingers clean.

"Hey! Let's go get napkins. You can't just--"

You're stopped short by them taking your hands and you're very aware of what they're doing next. They take every chance to do things that will send you reeling even when you're expecting their actions. Without any hesitation or shame, they lick your fingers too, sending your brain into a malfunction just like Sorbet often loves to do. Their mischief is going to be the end of you someday.

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