Salvation [RxDarkCacao]

378 11 10

• Author's Notes »
Please give him a hug, this man needs a hug.

• Main Characters » Reader x Dark Cacao Cookie
• Relationship » romantic
• Forms » humans
• Setting » citadel throne room

• Content »
+ huge Chapter 13 and 14 spoilers
+ angst/hurt (but then comfort)
+ awww look ooey-gooey hand holdin and kithes

• Suggestive » jjjjjjjjjust a little


Seeing Dark Cacao all alone in his throne room makes your heart ache. The hazy smoke of his favorite incense drifts past you as you watch him with concern; his eyes are directed to the floor in rumination as he softly breathes in the calming scent. Without the context behind it, you would have said the sight is tranquil and serene... But it's not.

He finally takes note of your presence, lifting his head to address you with a small nod.

"I apologize. You should not be seeing me in this state—"

"No, don't be sorry! You've been through a lot, Dark Cacao. It's... It's fine to be sad..."

You trail off, now embarrassed at your own outburst. Despite having been interrupted so abruptly, the king lets out a breathy chuckle. He doesn't really laugh so you decide to take what you can get. Gesturing for you to come closer, he gives you a sad smile.

"I denied my mistakes and regrets for years; it's time I acknowledge and embrace them. Your words are a comfort I don't deserve, however."

"Don't say that... You gave Dark Choco everything you thought he'd need, right? You tried your best."

As you approach the throne, you give him a reassuring smile. It works and he returns a genuinely warm one back to you this time, causing your heart to flutter a little. It's hard not to find the king handsome, being as wise and strong as he is. Over the past few chaotic weeks you've learned he can be loving and even a little playful in his own way too.

"That I did. Perhaps someday, he can redeem himself. I still have my hopes."

"And that's okay. Any father would want his son to strive to become a better person."

Surprisingly, Dark Cacao holds out his hand to you as you speak, gesturing for you to take it. You hesitate, feeling as though you're unworthy to be touching royalty such as him. He seems entirely comfortable in his wordless request however and so you oblige.

"Thank you for your kindness. My doubts have plagued me more than usual these past few days; your compassion and understanding have quieted those voices down for now. Is there anything I may be able to do for you in return?"

His skin feels rough but his grip is gentle, making that fluttering in your chest ramp up. You try to answer him but you realize you're blushing. This tender moment is about to turn into an awkward one if you don't get it together.

"I... N-no, I just thought I could... Comfort you, you know?"

You don't manage to hide your flustering and his lip is most definitely pulling back in a slight smirk. In one smooth motion he stands up and is towering over you. It's so easy to forget how old Dark Cacao really is when he moves with more fluidity than anyone you've ever known. Is it because of wielding that massive sword for so long..?

"If it's not an issue, may I request your presence in my chambers?"

What? Wait, did the king just ask you to join him in his bedroom? You stare wide-eyed up at him with your jaw open and he finally breaks, his laughter booming throughout the rest of the empty throne room.

"I did not mean that as it sounded..."

"U... Uh-huh! Sure!"

You try to be sassy back to him but you're about to melt quicker than a piece of chocolate thrown in a fire. It sure feels like you're on fire with how red your face is now. He gives a slight shrug as it if to say "maybe" and you can't help but giggle.

"I would be happy to oblige... But what would your people think? Hmmm?"

"I believe my people would be overjoyed. You and your allies saved our kingdom. We would all be honored to have you..."

Dark Cacao leans down to press a light kiss to the back of your hand and when you don't pull away, he proceeds to place more on your knuckles. You swoon so hard you're afraid you'll collapse under the overwhelming compliments and flirts... Except he's not done.

"I would be the most blessed of all to have you by my side, however."

He looks up from your hand, his heavy eyelashes unable to hide the warm love in his eyes. You're speechless at hearing those sweet words.

"I don't mean to pressure you—"

"No, I... I don't feel that way. I promise. I just don't know how you could choose me... I'm not royal. Or a great warrior. Or..."

Your self-defeating words die on your lips as he places his own on them instead. It's clear as day now that he does truly cherish you for how you've eased his pain. So many demons he's had to fight... You'll gladly join that battle with him.

"You are the kind of warrior that the world needs more of."

Dark Cacao stands again and your eyes meet his, a comfortable silence hanging between you. You hold out your free hand and he takes it, admiring every inch of your face as he does.

As he entwines his fingers with yours, you wish with all of your heart and soul that he can find happiness in this cold world after all.

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