Raisin Bun Love [Reader x Black Raisin]

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Content: Perhaps OOC Black Raisin??? I made her shy as all heck, crow!!! crow much crow, wholesome touching and kissing but nothing suggestive this time, raisin buns and you like them even if you don't irl (please pretend you do for the baby)

I needed content for her, she's one of my favorites and I would die for her. That and the past two stories were boys (well also Poison Mushroom) so we needed a cute girl. sobs quietly into my hands.


Black Raisin's eyes are trained on you with such a ferocity that you're afraid she may actually burn holes through you. Never before had she really talked with you despite you interacting with her often, keeping to herself and speaking few words as she was pretty shy, but just out of the blue this evening she asks you a very odd question in the most serious of tones. She carefully repeats it to you.

"Raisin buns, do you.. like them..?"

She seems to fluster after she finishes the question this second time around, her eyes darting away. Her crow gently taps its beak to her jaw as if to bring her attention back to you. You're a bit dumbfounded even though you've heard her ask others too.

"I don't mind having one here and there. I know you really like them so do you want me to get you some?"


Your response catches her so off guard that she can't even look you in the eye and her crow is flustering just as badly as she is too. It must be shocking, going from near starvation to being offered her favorite food on a whim just like that, but you were more than happy to oblige. Her help around the kingdom and against Dark Enchantress couldn't ever be paid back in raisin buns but it was a nice start.

"I would like that, yes.. B-But.."

She fidgets, her single hand fiddling with the safety pin holding her shoulder pad onto her cape. Perhaps you should also offer her new outfits? That should probably wait, considering how she's reacting to just food right now.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no, no! I-I just wanted to know if you would possibly share a few buns with me tomorrow for lunch!"

Her hurried speaking almost flies by you but you thankfully catch the message at least. It's so cute how shy she's been ever since she realized she and her village were completely safe and sound and taken care of within the kingdom walls. She'd become more herself and revealed a personality that even her fellow villagers were surprised to witness. Even with her newfound timidness regarding being social, she was now much happier and open regarding her feelings too.

"Absolutely! Noon okay? Anywhere you'd like to go in particular?"

"That sounds good.. May we eat near the Bakeries..?"

"You like the smell of bread, huh? That sounds good to me."

Black Raisin's huffs under her breath before mumbling a small 'maybe' then she sighs in relief as if she'd overcome something major.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you."

"Of course, Black Raisin Cookie! I'm looking forward to it."

Without another word but her face ablaze with heat, Black Raisin nods at you before turning and rushing off towards the windmill. She was so cute, it kills you to watch her because you just want to pull her into a tight hug. It makes you all the more excited for tomorrow's get together.


You arrive a bit earlier than you anticipated, perhaps having gotten too eager to see her again. Black Raisin had become the forefront of your thoughts last night because you started admiring her and realized maybe you'd developed a little crush.

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