Budding Love [Reader x Candy Cutie]

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Content: Touching, hugging, kissing, nothing suggestive just wholesome self-indulgence because I love writing fluff for my own OCs lolol, Herb x Sparkling mention, why do they only bring toppings from explorations like wtf y'all doing out there for 12 goddamn hours, also he calls the reader "baby" because it's a cute pet name I really like I guess ffffff

That Cookie name not sound familiar? You'll want to go back to the previous part to learn about him as he's my OC! This is still a reader insert part but I may also write a part where it's him and another Cookie in particular being shipped instead.. Because I'm a sappy bastard. :D

Also I'm very sick/in pain again (plus my friend bought me Legends Arceus) so I may or may not go silent. :c


Fwish fwish fwish fwish--

You don't even need to look up from the flowers you're planting to recognize that sound. It's the sound of a rather squishy gummy tail brushing the grass in a flurry of excitement behind you and there's only one Cookie in the kingdom that could be.

"Candy Cutie Cookie, aren't you supposed to be on a balloon exploration?"

Turning yourself to look at him, you see that he's set a large basket of toppings in front of him. Wow, is it already the afternoon..?

"We're back already! Look at all the medium toppings I found..!!"

Candy Cutie Cookie holds up the basket, beaming and squeaking loudly with pride at his ability to scout out the best toppings. You smile back and take the basket to inspect his work.

"You really did bring a lot back. Maybe I should be sending you on every balloon trip, hm?"

You look back up to him, expecting his usual eager grin in response to your suggestion, but instead you're met with the sight of him frowning and lowering his ears. He shakes his head at you then gives a few sad chirps as he explains.

"I want to be at the kingdom a lot. It means I can come see you anytime.. I really like you 'cause I feel comfy when we talk."

"You.. Like me?"

His straightforward confession catches you off guard. Many of the Cookies were really friendly with you but you'd noticed that Candy Cutie Cookie was especially caring towards you. Bringing you gifts, checking on your health, assisting you with your tasks..

"Yeah! You take good care of me!"

"Candy Cutie, I think it's the other way around. You take good care of me."

As you correct him you chuckle and he trills in embarrassment, his ears wiggling up and down like mad. He takes the toppings basket back from you and sets it aside, scooting closer to you and taking your hands.

"Is it okay if I don't travel a lot..? I don't want to cause any trouble!"

He sticks his lips out in a pout then lowers his tail. Seeing it lose its curl as an expression of emotion makes you feel bad.

"Of course it's okay, you never have to feel pressured to leave. There are plenty of Cookies who get stir crazy here and want to explore so don't worry about it."

"True.. I still want to go sometimes though. Maybe together?"

His invitation makes you blush a little as you think about spending time in the air with just him. Not that he would know but you'd actually never been on the balloon before.

"I've never gone so.."

"Wait, really? We could go now! No one has left yet, I think."

Candy Cutie shakes your hands and bounces on the spot, knocking over the basket and sending you tumbling forward onto him unintentionally. He squeaks and chirps in surprise, hugging your head to his chest.

"I'm sorry, I just got excited! Are you okay?"

His concern is audible but you can't exactly get over the fact you're now facedown against him. It seems like he doesn't fully understand how flustered you already are from his confession and being up against his chest like this has you practically dying inside of embarassment.

"I-- Y.. Yeah? Yeah I'm.."

You trail off and peek up from his chest to see his face. He's also flushed across his cheeks but more than that, his eyes are wide open because he's concerned that he's hurt you. You bury your face in his shirt again and reach around him to hug his torso. A little gasp escapes him but he hugs back.

"Is this comfy for you?"

He's quietly murmuring to you now, pressing his face into your hair and kissing your head. You nod without speaking and close your eyes. There's gentle smells of vanilla, strawberry, and other pleasant fruits and sweets coming from him.

"Oh! Am I interrupting?"

You jolt upright as you hear someone else approaching. It's Herb Cookie holding the other flowers you were meant to plant. You forgot you even asked him to bring them over.

"Uh-! I mean.. We were just.."

"I accidentally pulled them and was afraid I hurt them. Do you need me to go so you can plant those?"

Candy Cutie points to the flowers in Herb's hands. The other Cookie smiles gently and shakes his head.

"No, no! You two should have your moment. It's so sweet to see you happy but I don't want to make it awkward!"

Herb nods and before you can object, he's waving goodbye and almost running away. He has said before that he hopes you find someone because Sparkling made him so happy, he wanted you to feel similarly. You underestimated the warmth you'd experience, both in your cheeks and your chest, along with the butterflies in your stomach.

Candy Cutie pulls you back into the hug and you can hear him purring. The sound is so lovely that the tension from the previous conversation melts away. You hug back then start snuggling into him.

"You're so comfy.. I almost want to nap here and now."

You tilt your head up as he smiles down at you. He leans forward to kiss your forehead, your nose, and finally your lips. His lips taste just like the various smells coming from him. After he's done, he lays on his side in the grass and gently tugs you down to join him.

"Why not do it? It's so sunny and warm today. You've been working a lot lately too."

He's right. You had spent the past few weeks with decorating and updating the kingdom's layout. It took all your time and admittedly you weren't sleeping as much as you should be.

"I guess I could spare some time. The flowers will still be there when we wake up."

You yawn and cuddle up to him, your eyes feeling heavy now. He curls around you in response, rubbing your back as he hums a lullaby and wishes you a good rest.

"You've earned every bit of rest already. So sleep well, baby."

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