HCs: Romantic with Reader [Pt.1]

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Cookies: Hollyberry, Pure Vanilla, Raspberry, and Parfait

Content: Nothing suggestive but lots of kisses, two girlbosses that I want to crush me, Cookie Jesus has some angst going on sorry baby :(((

This is meant to have multiple parts so I'll only do a few each time. c: This one only has four Cookies, sorry!
Romantic headcanons are only for the cookies I personally see as adults but if I guessed an age wrong or anything then please let me know. That way I can remove the headcanons and change their age in my notes.


• Being as social and boisterous as she is, Hollyberry will absolutely show you off to everyone. She'll always brag about how much she treasures you and how great you are!
• She won't just want to hold hands. Hollyberry would carry you everywhere if she could get away with it. Being as buff and tall as she is, you don't get much of a choice - but of course you knew that when you started a relationship, right?
• Hollyberry never feels jealous when others flirt with you because she just has to step up beside you and call you a cute pet name for anyone to get the hint.
• When she throws huge parties, she makes sure you're comfortable and having a good time. If you aren't, then she'll take you to your room and give you lots of kisses, reminding you to ring for a butler/maid if you need anything. If the party is almost over though she'll stay with you and cuddle, and if you ask, she'll tell you all kinds of stories about her adventures.
• If you have long enough hair, she'd be more that happy to braid it for you since she taught herself to do her own braids.

• He's never let himself be in a relationship because he's got underlying anxiety about it. He has a lot of heartbreak regarding White Lily as well so it took him a long, long time to finally accept that he fell in love with you.
• When you two are out and about, he always asks you very politely if he can hold your hand. You know that it makes him more comfortable to ask rather than assume, so you always wait for the question before holding hands.
• During your nightly routine, he likes to polish his Soul Jam while you hold him in your lap. Even if it's spotless already, you two have done this so much that you never skip it.
• Pure Vanilla is always praising you for anything good you do and then likes to sing that same praise to anyone who will listen. He doesn't usually brag - but you're his beloved sweetheart, so he has to!
• He loves to make you flower crowns of all kinds but especially orchids and lilies.
• You're aware of his history, especially regarding White Lily, so when he has a panic attack regarding the past, you make sure to calm him down and comfort him. He's very thankful that you don't harbor any animosity or jealousy towards White Lily either because she's still very special to him, but you're his present day and you keep him going forward.
• Pure Vanilla sometimes gets jealous and doesn't like to confront people flirting with you, but he's always honest about his feelings and fears with you. He's just very scared to lose you because you're his first 'official' partner after years and years of being on his own. He's not manipulative or possessive regarding his jealousy, just unsure if he's good enough for you, but even the smallest affectionate gestures gives him more confidence. Not that he'd tell anyone but having his head patted is his favorite and you're more than happy to oblige.

• You bested her in a fight and that was enough to win her heart over. Of course, she wants to spar a lot and if you win, she cheers for you and gives you kisses! If she wins, she comes and gives you critique in a loving, helpful way because she wants you to succeed in everything you do. Her excitement is precious!
• When she's required to go to any sort of event or meeting of some sort, she always asks you if you would join her. If you choose to go, that means you give her permission to pick your outfit, but she always gets something comfortable and in your favorite colors. She loves to adorn your clothes with raspberries too, as you're her pride and joy, but she always has them dyed to match. That doesn't stop you from wearing a normal colored raspberry in your hair though! It always makes her smile to see it.
• Raspberry always bows and kisses your hand when you two meet up. Not only that but she holds your hand or links your arms like you're nobility at a ball, holds open doors for you, and treats you as royalty at every given opportunity. Some Cookies have tried to tease her about being so proper - the deadly glare they received afterwards would end that, however.
• Much like Hollyberry, Raspberry is not at all insecure in your bond. That doesn't stop her from seeing any flirtatious Cookies as opponents because she's more than happy to announce that you're taken and now they have to fight her! She never loses because she's determined to never disappoint her darling.
• When it's only you two relaxing, she loves to drink tea and just talk. It doesn't matter about what, she just wants to hear your voice.

• You were her fan from the start and always showed your support, so she wanted to treat you to lunch as a thank you. She fell for you the moment you met and just like that, she was writing a few love songs and talking to you regularly online!
• Once you two finally made it official, she put your name on all her social media as her "Biggest Fan EVER!!". She also loves to post pictures of you two (with your permission)!
• Most of her fans support your relationship but of course there are the bad apples who talk bad about you, saying you're using her or that they'd be a better partner for her, and she won't stand for it. Parfait is usually very positive and goofy with fans but when it comes to you, she becomes very outspoken and will post even more content of you two together while stating how much she adores you. Many fans back you up too!
• When she travels for shows, she always brings you back cute little trinkets that remind her of you. It's adorable because when presenting her gifts, she becomes shy and flustered as if you two aren't already a couple! You have a shelf just for these little gifts and everytime she comes to your house, she cries in joy a little because it makes her feel so loved and important.
• Of course she writes songs about you! She puts her love into her songs and so you enjoy playing them even when you're not together. It's a little awkward when you turn on your playlists and her music is the first thing to come on while she's sitting right next to you, but it just makes her even more giddy!
• When she gets to chill, Parfait's favorite activity is to pass out on the couch with you while watching videos. Her favorite ones are the funny Vinegar (rip Vine) compilations.

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