Chapter 3

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It had been over a week and there was still no word from Rory. Finn was sitting in front of his television on a rainy Saturday evening, not feeling like going out alone. It was not like him to sit around waiting. But he couldn't shake the thought that something was up. Had she finally grown tired of him? Maybe she was sick? Why wouldn't she reply at least? He'd sent her three messages over the past week, and he worried pushing her too much would seem too needy. He didn't want to go asking about her from her department at work either, to avoid office gossip. Until now their communication had been effortless shooting texts back and forth at least every other day. But now it was as if they'd never gone out.

Rory had thrown herself at her book, a welcome distraction, focusing on the paragraph that discussed the arrangements her grandparents had considered when they dealt with Lorelai's teen pregnancy. While she was 32, she too found similarities in the stories. She wondered, whether Dad would have wanted to be left out of it? Would he or Rory herself have been better off without knowing? She knew ignoring Finn altogether would not work, sooner or later he would show up at her office. She'd taken a couple of sick days to mull things over, but she was due back on Monday. She felt bad about not replying to him. His texts were sweet and he genuinely seemed worried about her. To her surprise, she actually missed his company. Without much other interaction than with her work colleagues and Lorelai, she had few friends these days.

"I am worried about you, love. If I don't hear back from you in 30 minutes, I am coming over to make sure you are okay. Please call me." Finn texted just after 8.30 PM.

She took a deep breath and picked up her phone and dialled Finn.

"Bloody hell, love! I was worried! Are you okay?" he asked, clearly sounding a little upset.

"Sorry Finn, I didn't mean to phase you out. I've just been dealing with something," Rory said, gathering her courage.

"I'm just glad to hear you are okay," he replied, unsure if it was his place to inquire further.

"Can you come over, I don't want to talk about it over the phone," Rory said hesitantly. Apparently she was going to tell him tonight, even to her own surprise. Just hearing his voice comforted her a little, yet she knew that in an hour he may well not want to talk to her at all.

"Sure, I'm on my way," he said as he hung up, already up on his feet and searching for his keys.

It was still raining outside, and by the time he hurried from his car to the door, the rain soaked him.

Rory had seen him pull up and already waited at the door.

He shook some of the rain off his coat and hood, unzipped it and only then realized his shoes were also wet.

"Okay if I take my shoes off?" he inquired.

Rory nodded.

Normally he would've kissed her, but something just seemed off to him.

Rory could see in his face that he too was feeling weird about her week-long radio silence.

"Let's go sit," she suggested.

They took a seat in the living room she hardly used ever since Friday night dinners ended.

"Rory, just please tell me...," he begged, feeling like the bandage just had to come off.

"Finn, I had a bit of a shock last week, Friday, to be exact. I found out that I am pregnant," Rory stated looking down on the floor, afraid to look at him.

"How far along are you?" he inquired hesitantly.

"It's still very early days - 5 weeks or so, and there is still a high risk of miscarriage, so it still could be nothing," Rory replied.

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