Chapter 12

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"Rory Gilmore to see Alex Harper," she announced herself to the receptionist on the fourth floor of the HPG. She'd driven to the office with Logan that day, commuting together was an interesting experience on it's own. The conversation had flowed and she'd almost forgotten she had ever been nervous.

"He'll be right with you," the elderly but perky receptionist said, adding, "please take a seat."

She had barely sat down on the minimalistic white leather couch as a tall bald man approached. "Rory?" he asked.

"That's me," she said, standing up.

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Alex," he introduced himself. "Let's just go take a seat at the conference room and chat," he added.

"So, I know you are fairly new at this, but I'm familiar with your background and well your references really left no question to why you are here," he began as they'd both taken their seats.

"I read the manuscript you sent me," she said.

"What did you think?" Alex asked, tapping his pen on the table quietly.

"Do you want my honest opinion or the official one?" Rory asked.

"You choose," he said smilingly.

"Honestly, I think it needs a complete rewrite," she said, not wanting to go into too much detail.

"Can you do it?" Alex asked.

"Isn't it supposed to be the author who does that?" Rory asked, raising her eyebrow slightly.

"Ideally yes, and I suppose there is no harm in giving him your comments, but I doubt he is able to analyze the text fully and be able to really fix anything other than the grammar mistakes pointed out to him," he explained.

"Can I at least meet with him and pick his brain a little? I know too little about the soccer world to really build it from scratch," she asked.

"Sure, Maggie at the reception can set you up a meeting with him," Alex suggested.

"Right," she sighed.

"Otherwize any other questions?" he asked.

"I think I'm good, I can always ask L...," she began, stopping herself. Mentioning he lived, even if just part time, with the marketing CEO, would've messed with the hierarchy. "What was her name again?" she inquired, excusing her stutter. She wasn't going to hide her relationship as such, if people read the society pages they already probably knew about it, but she wasn't going to intentionally rub it in, trying to keep her work and private life separate.

"We have staff meetings on Mondays at 10, but you can participate via Skype, and every once in a while there are other meetings you are expected to join, but Maggie will let you know about those," Alex said.


Rory worked at Logan's apartment that day because they'd driven in together and as she didn't really have an office space as such working only part time and mostly long distance. Logan had just a couple of meetings before he could return to his home-office regime. When he was done, she drove to pick Logan up at the office again.

"Why the sour face?" she asked, noticing he wasn't looking too cheery.

"Shira wants to have dinner on Saturday," Logan replied, adding "she's staying in Hartford for a couple of weeks."

"It's not my idea of fun, but we probably can't avoid it forever," Rory said.

"Are you sure? The last time didn't go exactly well." he asked.

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