Chapter 6

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"Happy birthday, Finn!" Rory cheered, followed by the greetings of his friends she had invited over.

"You made me a nautical party, Love, you shouldn't have!" Finn said and hugged her.

"Ay-ay, captain," Rory said, wearing white gob hat and a striped jersey dress as she placed a pirate hat on top of Finn's head with a kiss.

"I have to go check on something," she added as she headed to the kitchen.

"You'll soon be throwing theme parties for kids, you know," Colin commented as he walked over to Finn, shaking his hand, "Happy birthday."

"I know, I still can't believe it sometimes that in, what, three months I'll have a kid. The nursery full of boxes is keeping me up at night, there's so much assembling to do," Finn added.

"I'll come and help, we'll make it one of our scotch and games nights, you know, puzzles," Colin laughed.

"How are things with you and Rory? Did the wedding freak her out?" he inquired hesitantly, not having seen either of them since.

"I think we're good, really good actually. He's in there somewhere ofcourse, but I don't think she is hung up on him," Finn explained, sounding happy.

"That's good to hear," Colin commented. "I don't know if I should tell you this, but Logan might be moving back to the City soon," he added carefully.

"He can move wherever he wants," Finn replied on a carefree tone.

"Finn, your parents and sisters are here," Rory called, drawing his attention.


Rory sat nervously at the Sorellina waiting for Marie eight minutes before noon. She was early, but she had been too nervous to wait at her hotel any longer. The company had sent a car to pick her up from Hartford the day before and she was glad she didn't have to drive all that way. Her bump was beginning to be in the way. She'd taken her leave from Morgan & Stewart and did not aim to return.

Marie Nilsson was a skinny grey haired 50-something in killer heels and given by her accent and her name she must've been Swedish or Norwegian.

"Rory Gilmore, nice to finally meet you," she greeted politely, offering her hand.

"Mrs. Nilsson, nice to meet you too," Rory replied, shook her hand and sat down.

"Please, call me Marie. I've heard great things about you and your book is definitely something fresh in the scene. I see you are expecting, may I ask how far along you are?" Marie spoke jumping straight to the point. While women have babies all the time, this usually does not coincide with getting their books published and touring.

"I have about three months to go, " she replied, adding apologetically "I hope this will not be an issue."

"Oh, don't worry about that, we'll just need to correct some deadlines in the contract in that case, you'll get maternity leave before we tour," she explained.

"Thank you," Rory said.

"You don't need to thank me. I am very grateful Mr. Huntzberger showed me this book and trust me, I am not taking this on because he forced my hand, I am doing this because it is unique," she explained.

"Do you mind telling me, whether it is Mitchum or Logan Huntzberger you are referring to?" she asked hesitantly.

"Logan," she replied briefly. "You sure know some powerful men, my dear," she noted laughingly.


"Rory, can you get the cookie dough," Lorelai called from her living room.

"Tortilla chips, too?" she asked.

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