Chapter 8

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The Morgans had invited Lorelai, Luke and Emily to join them at their Christmas party together with Rory, Finn and Leah. Their extended family was all going to be there, and they certainly had the space. Zoe had hired a caterer and entertainment for the older kids. The house smelled almost exactly the same as it had last year - the scent of mulled wine and gingerbread filled their nostrils as they entered.

"The christmas tree was late," Zoe announced, after she had invited Rory's family in and the formalities had been spoken, gesturing at the undecorated 10 ft tree in the corner.

"I am sure, there is an easy fix for this," Finn pointed out, "there are like twenty of us, so just tell me where do you keep the decoration boxes and we'll get everyone to help," he offered, following his mother down the hall.

"What's on your hand?" Lorelai asked Rory quietly, noticing a slight glimmer on her finger.

"Oh, this?" she delayed answering, showing her hand briefly, hoping Finn would come back so they could tell everyone together, "you know what it is, I told you about it when he first gave it to me. Now it was just time to put it on, it's recent. But we wanted to tell everybody together, so don't blow it," she said.

"Okay-okay," Lorelai replied, adding quietly, "I am happy for you, Rory".

Finn returned with a large box of ornaments, and called out, "Hi everyone, whom I've not yet had the chance to greet as I just got here, but now, everyone, get to work, we have a tree to decorate!"

They all took turns placing the ornaments, adults as high as they could, kids on the lower branches.

"Aiden, come here," Finn told the 6-year old, "climb to my shoulders, we'll add these last ones to the top," he added.

"He seems in a good mood," Zoe noted to Lorelai and Rory.

"I guess he is," Rory agreed, trying to hold back her grin.

"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot," Zoe began, "Emily, Lorelai, Luke, would you like something to drink?" apologetically. "The day has been crazy, I didn't mean to be rude," she added.

"Nonsense, we've all been there," Emily said, "but sure, I'd love some white wine."

"Lorelai?" she asked.

"Wine is fine, beer for Luke," she replied, looking at Luke who was nodding at her reply.

"I'll come and help," Rory offered. "Mom, can you keep an eye on Leah for a moment?" she asked. "She should be waking soon," she added. Leah was still asleep in her car seat in the hallway, away from the loud noises.

"I'll get the beer," Rory offered, opening the fridge, as Zoe was pouring Emily and Lorelai some chilled Sauvignon Blanc.

"Can you point me to the opener?" she asked.

"Here," Zoe handed it to her, noticing her ring as she took it.

"Honey, am I seeing correctly that there's a ring on your finger?" Zoe asked, with her eyes wide.

Rory giggled, "I am really bad at hiding this, my mom already saw it too," she began, "we wanted to announce it together," Rory added.

"This is wonderful news, Rory," Zoe said, giving her a strong hug. "Finn, can you stop what you are doing for a moment?" she called out a second later not wanting to hide the news a moment longer.

"Sure, mom, what is it?" Finn asked, with Aiden still on his shoulders. When she saw Rory and his mother in the kitchen together, and he had a pretty good idea what this was about. He put Aiden down, "I'll be right back, Aiden," he said.

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