Chapter 15

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"That was a close one," Logan yelled at Conrad, after almost being hit with a snowball to the head, throwing one towards the 8-year-old, hitting his arm.

Another snowball flew in his direction, hitting him straight in the back. Logan fell down theatrically, face down in a pile of snow, only to have a 5-year-old jump on top of him.

"I surrender, " Logan called out, spitting snow out of his mouth. Instead the two boys threw a few more snowballs at him.

"Alright, I take revenge," he said, jumping back up, throwing two snowballs that he had secretly formed while he was down, simultaneously at Linus and Conrad.

"Ah, you win," Linus called, as a bit of snow had fallen down his collar, running towards the house.

"Alright, let's go too, lunch should be ready soon," Logan said to Conrad, patting his back.

"No snow in the living room!" Honor protested.

The boys took off their snow-boots and threw their coats on a bench by the back entrance, before throwing themselves in front of the tv and beginning the battle over the remote. Logan followed their lead but instead of the couch he joined his sister in the kitchen, where she was cooking pasta.

"Almost ready," Honor noted. The few days a week she was without a housekeeper, she was always a little on edge and later exhausted but at the same time trying to prove to herself she could in fact do what most mother's did on a daily basis.

"So how did it go in New York?" Logan inquired, having only received a minimal 'Fine, found the dress' from Rory the day before.

"Rory seemed fine. She found a fabulous dress, I am sure you'll love it," she replied, stirring the sauce in the pan.

"She'd look great wearing a potato sack," he laughed. While he understood the importance of the perfect wedding dress for a woman, he honestly didn't care what it was if it was Rory who was inside it.

"She really picked well, she's got good taste," Honor added.

"How did she seem?" he continued a moment later.

"She was fine, on the surface at least. Things were a little awkward with Lorelai, I think but she tried to be civil," Honor replied, tasting the sauce.

Logan sighed, feeling he really needed to figure out what was going on with them. However, there was something else she wanted to discuss with his sister, who was likely the only other person in the world to understand.

"I spoke to dad at Christmas. I had a feeling he was scheming something when he offered Rory the fellowship and the job," he began, "and apparently I wasn't wrong. He wants Rory and I to take over HPG some day," Logan added.

"Well the fact that he wants you to do it, really shouldn't be a surprise, he's been saying that since you were five. And frankly it could be worse, he could still be meddling with your affairs and setting you up with suitable women," Honor commented, preparing to drain the pasta.

"That looks heavy, you want me to help?" Logan offered. Honor gestured in agreement.

"Have you told Rory?" Honor asked.

"I haven't, plus it isn't like he's going to retire tomorrow," Logan explained, after putting the pot of pasta down.

"I get why you are hesitant to tell her, especially now, but I think at some point you should. It'd be worse if she found out from him," she added, pouring the sauce into the pot and stirring.

"Conrad! Linus! Lunch is ready!" Honor called.

"I know," Logan said reluctantly.


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