Chapter 4

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The Sandcastle was illuminated with thousands of yellow string lights and a large but minimalistic wreath made of pine cones and eucalyptus branches. The weather was below 30 degrees that day, and the bone-chilling wind was moving the decor around in the darkness of the night, when the cars pulled up just after 7 PM.

"We're late for friday night dinner, oh no!" Lorelai gasped laughingly as she stepped out of the car, realizing that it probably was alright. Them being a little late was not due to their negligence, but the ferry had had a little trouble landing due to the wind. Besides, Emily was way more relaxed than she had been for years about things like that.

Finn opened the car door for Rory, helping her up so she wouldn't slip on the ice.

"Come on, darling, let's go get warmed up," Finn added.

The indoors was indeed warm and cozy, fireplace and candles lit around the place.

"Grandma, how are you?" Rory hugged Emily.

"I'm wonderful, Rory, what about you?" she replied with a radiant smile.

"Lorelai, Luke," Emily greeted giving them a little hug, continuing, "And who do we have here?"

"Grandma, I told you, this is my boyfriend Finn Morgan, I am sure you know his parents Lucas and Zoe Morgan," Rory introduced, taking his hand.

"Lovely to meet you, Finn," Emily asked politely and invited everyone to step into the living room for some drinks.

"Lorelai, gin martini? Luke, Finn, Rory, what would you like?" Emily asked.

"Martini is perfect, mom," Lorelai replied.

"A beer is fine for me," Luke said humbly.

"Emily, I'll have a bourbon, thank you," Finn replied courteously.

"Rory?" she asked.

"Grandma, Luke, I actually have something to tell you before I order my non-alcoholic drink," Rory said, pausing to give them a few moments to catch up on what she was about to say, "Finn and I are going to have a baby."

"Wow, that was unexpected. I didn't know you had been dating for very long," Emily began, adding, "but I believe congratulations are in order."

"Thank you, grandma," Rory said.

"Congrats," said Luke, "Lorelai, you knew about this didn't you, of course you did, " he blabbered.

Do you know yet if it is a boy or a girl?" Emily inquired curiously.

"Not yet, we have an appointment just after New-Year's," Finn added.

Dinner consisted of a fairly refreshing selection of minestrone, salmon and strawberry pavlova, followed by a glass of port, for those who could drink, in front of the fireplace. Rory sipped on a cup of cocoa with a handful of marshmallows on top.

"So, Rory, I hear you are working at the Morgan & Stewart these days, isn't that the your family's business, Finn?" Emily inquired.

"Yes it is," Finn replied.

"I work at the marketing department right now, copywriting. Not entirely my thing, I know, but right now helps me pay my own bills. Besides, I am trying to focus my attention on my book," Rory explained.

"Oh yeah, Lorelai told me about the book, how is it going?" Emily asked.

"It's going really great, I think I am not that far from finishing it actually. It just flew out of me. Nothing I've ever written has come so easily. I need to start looking into publishers soon," she replied.

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