Chapter 18

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"Listen up, I will now read you the bachelorette checklist," Lorelai announced standing on the stairs of their beloved Stars Hollow gazebo, as Sookie, Lane, Paris, April, Stephanie and Rory stood around expectantly wearing tiny pink top-hats pinned to their hair, Rory's one with a pink mesh veil.

"The bride to be has to...,"Lorelai read the a list of slightly embarrassing activities out loud, before handing Rory the assignment sheet rollup with lots of glitter and feathers attached to it, adding, "better get cracking, kid" with a wink.

"Okay, mom," she replied with a wide grin, feeling a little old for this kind of stuff. But she had given her mother free hands on arranging the evening and she knew it probably meant more to Lorelai than her, so she went along with it.

"Here, you look like you need a drink," Paris suggested, handing Rory a flask of scotch.

Rory took a small sip, not really feeling like getting completely hammered that night, despite the fact that there were still a few days before the rehearsal and the actual wedding.

"So I think the one about asking marriage advice from an older couple should be an easy one," Rory suggested practically, waving to Babette and Morey who were just crossing the street to the town square.

"Hi Babette, hi Morey!" she began. "Listen, we're doing on a little challenge list here, I was hoping you could help me out," she added.

"Sure sugar, what is it?" Babette asked.

"What would you say is your advice for someone just getting married?" Rory asked, almost feeling like a reporter again.

"Oh honey, it's very simple - once you find your soul mate, just never let them go. Do whatever it takes!" she suggested, Morey nodding along.

Frankly Rory could've sure used that advice more than a decade earlier. But life had had other plans, and thanks to those twists and turns of life she now had Leah.

"Thank you, you guys," she replied, hugging them both.

"Have fun, Rory," Morey said, as they waved in goodbye.

"I think we better head off to Hartford for the rest of these," Paris said, having glanced over the list.

"The limo awaits," Lorelai gestured towards the car.

"And while we ride, everybody gets to spill embarrassing details about Rory," she encouraged after telling the driver where to go. "I'll begin, " she said. "Rory has a secret thing for hairy humanoids," Lorelai laughed and poured herself and the others a glass of champagne carefully.

"Mom!" Rory protested.

"When Dean first kissed Rory, she stole a pack of corn starch from Dosey's by accident," Lane added.

"Oh, that was why we always had that around the house? I never quite knew what one does with cornstarch," Lorelai pondered.

"Well you can use it to make sauces...," Sookie began, realizing Lorelai was not the person who'd expect a serious answer on something like that.

"I admit it, I am a humanoid loving fellon," Rory admitted laughingly, taking a small sip of champagne.

Using a "Is it hot in here or is it just you?" was almost too easy in a college pub, they'd stumbled into, to refuel on chicken wings, tacos and fries. Luckily that night also the police showed up to card everybody, leaving the girls feeling particularly youthful, plus Rory got her picture with one of the officers, checking another assignment off her list.

They continued down the main street soon reaching 70s style nightclub, blasting the Boogie Wonderland out to the street.

"Are we drunk enough for this?" Paris questioned, glancing over to Stephanie.

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