Chapter 14

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"Dare I ask, how did the wedding go?" Finn asked once Gabriela and Timoteo were eating their tacos at the dinner table, out of earshot.

"It was beachy," Pairs replied shortly, recalling the beachfront hotel and seashell centerpieces. "Other than that tolerable, I guess," she said. She had succeeded fairly well at ignoring the fact that the way Doyle had changed in the past years felt like deceit, and the event was simply the climax of that. She didn't love Doyle anymore, but she hated the idea that someone could in fact change that much, almost turning into a different person.

"How did the kids take it?" Finn continued, finishing up a bite of fish taco.

"They were glad to see their dad, sceptical of Jessica, as expected. But they'll have the summer to get to know her. I don't like it but I don't really have a say in it now that it is official. The nanny will go with them at least, so they'll have another familiar face around. I guess it's a good thing children are resilient," she said, opening a can of La Croix.

"I was worried it might have been a little much for them that I showed up, hence the text. You could have declined. I just really wanted to see you," he commented, feeling a little selfish.

"I didn't want to decline, I missed you. And I think after the spectacle Doyle pulled, I think a kiss won't shake them. But don't take it the wrong way, but when it comes to anything else. I aim to ease them into it. Losing their dad to Hollywood was bad enough, I don't want them to have to go through that again," Paris explained, after taking a sip.

"I get it. I'd do the same if I were you. My difference is that Leah doesn't really register stuff like that yet and Rory is fairly close by. And well recently Leah has probably spent more time with me anyways, she's been working a lot," Finn replied .

"Rory's really committed, isn't she? I hope she is not overdoing it. Sometimes people with depression or history of it compensate the wrong way. I'll try to talk to her," Paris wondered.

"I don't really know what is going on in her head these days. I know that Logan had another press incident and she has the bodyguards sitting around again. It can't be easy," Finn added, taking another bite.

"I hadn't heard," Paris said, surprisedly.

"They had some photos of Logan with some blonde in London. Apparently innocent but with insinuating accompanied text," Finn explained.

"I really should call her. Or maybe I'll just go visit, the nanny should be coming over soon" she said. Paris knew her limits well by now. While she adored her kids, there was only so much time alone with them she knew she could handle without turning bitter and cranky. A nanny to her was like a word of endearment, like a grandmother or favourite aunt taking care of her kids. She had adored her own, and this way she felt she supplemented herself the best way she knew how.


Paris showed up at Rory's driveway with a bucket of ice cream, having to explain to Marcus who she was.

"How many paparazzis you know that carry ice cream?" she huffed at Marcus, as Rory peeked through her front door at the commotion.

"Sorry, Marcus. Paris is fine," Rory called apologetically.

"Paris, I wasn't expecting you!" Rory added.

"That's quite a greeting, Ms. Manners," Paris scolded.

"So what brings you by, everything went well in California?" Rory asked, closing the door behind them.

"Annoyingly sunny, I still have sand in my shoes, but other than that I survived. Finn was sweet though, picked us up at the airport as a surprise," she shared.

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