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"Did you just Call me beautiful?" I said looking at myself in the mirror in shock

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"Did you just Call me beautiful?" I said looking at myself in the mirror in shock.
"Don't feel special I call every girl that" he said in a cold tone.
"Why would I feel special, when you're the person calling me it?" I asked rolling my eyes.

What an asshole

Alessandro suddenly opens the door, making me quickly grabbing my clothes covering myself.

"What the fuck are you doing, get out" i said kind of pushing him out with one hand and covering myself with the other.

"There is so much space, why can't I be in here too?" He asked "Alessandro are you okay did the blondie mess with your brain?" I said giving up on pushing him out
"That blondie only did one thing, and that was finding a dress for you" he said showing me the dress

Okay that's kinda cute not gonna lie
And I'm not talking about the dress

"Not that bad from someone like her" i said nodding

"Are you gonna turn around or?" I Said taking the dress out of his hand.
"Sure" He said
"Thanks and don't turn around before I say so alright?" I said turning around now facing the wall
"Mhm" i only heard him mumble

I had the dress on, it was so pretty.
I loved it

"Can you help me zip my-" I was interrupted by his cold rings brushing against my back

"How did you know I needed he-you were watching me weren't you?" I interrupted myself.

"I mean not the whole time but basically yes" he said zipping up the dress, I turned around, I was inches away from him.

I was facing his chest, did I mention he's tall like really tall

I looked up at him, seeing he was already staring right into my eyes.

It felt like forever, we were just staring at each other until my phone rang
It's Veronica, damn it Ronnie

I kept blinking while looking away and Alessandro just cleared his throat and took his phone, I walked over to my bag taking my phone.
"What's up Ronnie" i said when I suddenly got a sharp pain in my stomach, I held my breath while holding around my stomach with the other hand.

"Nat come on I'm hungryyy" she said, I almost couldn't hear her, I'm probably gonna have a headache when I get home.
"I'm sorry you and Matthew can eat by yourself" i said still holding around my stomach a little harder now
"What about you guys aren't you hungry?" She asked
"I'm not hungry and uhm" i said "do you want anything to eat?" I asked Alessandro "no" he answered "we're good thanks go get some food" i said to Veronica "okay we'll see you guys at the car then, bye" she said
"bye"I hanged up

I put my phone back into my bag
"Can you turn aro- never mind I don't even care anymore" i said rolling my eyes.

I took on my pants, but now i need to zip down the dress, something I couldn't do
I looked at Alessandro who looked back at me
"Need help?" He asked with a raised eyebrow
"No I'm just standing here" i said giving him a
'what do you think' look
"Okay then" he said and looked back at his phone.

"Dumbass it was sarcasm, ever heard of that" i said
He quickly stood up and walked up to me, he grabbed the back of my neck making me look up at him
"Don't ever call me anything more than my name"he said a little threatening to be honest "I call you whatever I want" I said getting closer to his face, "call me something then I dare you" he said
I didn't say anything I just stared at him.
He began walking forward making me walk backwards, until my head hit the wall a little hard "motherfu-" he interrupted me by giving me hard kiss on the lips.

What theeeee Alessandro kissed me.

I kissed him back, and what was a kiss turned to be making out fast. He lifted me up, so my legs now was around his waist

We don't like each other or anything, we just kissed no feelings.

Heyyyy guys sorry I haven't updated.
I have had corona for like 1-2 weeks so

It's a short chapter I know,

Alessandro Revello Where stories live. Discover now