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"Let me get a doctor to just check if everything's okay" i said but Natalia quickly said no and sat up I put my hand on her chest pushing her slowly down again I could feel her heart beating fast "what are you hiding" I murmured to myself and sat ...

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"Let me get a doctor to just check if everything's okay" i said but Natalia quickly said no and sat up
I put my hand on her chest pushing her slowly down again I could feel her heart beating fast "what are you hiding" I murmured to myself and sat down on the chair beside her bed "you need to rest" I said making circles on the palm of her hand

About 5 minutes later she's asleep and I walk out of the room to find the doctor who operated her
"Hey I need to know who did surgery on a girl named Carla Pepov" I asked a nurse "who are you to her?" She asked with a Russian accent "I'm her husband" I said and she nodded walking over to a doctor saying something in Russian I stood waiting "Hello Mr Popov I did the surgery something wrong?" The man walked over to me he looked no older than 25.

"Did the surgery go well and is there anything I need to know to help her" I asked standing up against the wall with my arms crossed
"The surgery was great and the only thing you have to do is make her rest for the next four-five weeks, she's going to be in a lot of pain the first week with high fever and vomiting she also may lose her appetite" he said and fuck how I wish I could take all the pain she's going to go thru
"Thank you doctor" and opened the door to Natalia's room

I went in and closed it walking over to Natalia
"ti amo così tanto tesoro"
(I love you so much)
i gently put her hair away from her beautiful face, and kissed her forehead.

About a hour later.

"You have such pretty eyes" I look at Natalia seeing she has woke up smiling at me.
"Well you have pretty lips" I stood up staring at her lips

She sat up on the bed "I have missed you Tesoro" I lifted her off the bed and sat on it making her sit on my lap
" I have missed you too" she said and kissed me this time I made sure not to touch her anywhere near her stomach

I deepened the kiss pulling her closer to me by her thighs, I tried to put my tongue in her mouth but she didn't let me she just smiled putting her hands around neck, I grasped her ass lightly making her gasp and used the opportunity to put my tongue in her mouth we started making out like crazy until Natalia pulled away to catch her breath "you are so fucking beautiful" I placed kisses on her neck, sucking and biting her skin making her moan "Alessandro someone could walk in on us" she moaned while I placed kisses from her neck to her collarbone "i. Don'" i said in between kisses

"Alessandro" she pulled away, I stared at her confused as she stared back at me then my lips
"Alessandro the doctor is here" she said and I looked at the door seeing him standing there awkwardly "I just came to do a little check up on you Mrs Popov" he said scratching the back of his head

I rather Mrs Revello

I stood up setting Natalia on the floor "do what you have to do" I sat back on my chair smirking at Natalia

Fuck I wanted to do more than just kissing but not only that she's injured we're also in a hospital.

"Just sit here" the doctor patted the hospital bed where Natalia sat still trying to catch her breath staring at me
The doctor went to the other side of the room getting some stuff
"Mrs. Popov you have something on your neck" i whispered to her she looked confused for a moment then realized what I meant "I need to cover it" she looked embarrassed

"you want to cover my art?" I pretended to be hurt by her words
She took her hair out her bun covering it with her hair
I rolled my eyes taking my phone out my pocket

"I just have to check your blood pressure, you need to be careful since y-ne govori, chto u menya anemiya, pozhaluysta, ya ne khochu, chtoby on znal"

(don't say that i have anemia please i don't want him to know)

Natalia interrupted him talking Russian so I couldn't understand I looked up at at them raising my eyebrow
"It's nothing I just asked for the bathroom" she smiled at me and the man continued what he was doing

"Okay so your blood pressure is fine for now but you have to be careful- and why's that" i interrupted him, Natalia stared at him and he nodded "because of the surgery it makes your blood pressure high and sometimes really low" i glared at the doctor knowing he lied to me.

"natalia so che non è la verità e sai che lo scoprirò da solo"
(Natalia i know its not the truth and you know i will find out for myself)

i said and stood up grabbing Natalia's wrist taking her with me "thank you doctor" i said walking out of the room

"I will give you one last chance to tell me what it is" we walked out of the hospital
"Alessandro there isn't anything to tell" she said and I held her against a wall where no one could see us
"Don't fucking lie to me you know I hate secrets" I was pissed at this point
Fuck she's pissing me off right now what the fuck is she hiding from me

"Then why didn't you tell me about your sister, you never tell me anything" she pushed me away from her yelling, that only made me angrier than I already was "that has nothing to do with you" i yelled back at her pointing at her
"Yeah and this has nothing to do with you" she was about to walk away but I grabbed her by her neck pushing her back against the wall, I looked into her eyes remembering last time I lost control and started choking her without realizing, I let her go "fuck you Alessandro" she had tears in her eyes but blinked them away
"Tesoro I'm sorry" I went to grab her hand
"no stay away i should have gone with my brother to see my mother and little brother but instead I-I" she had tears in her eyes again not being able to finish her sentence, I couldn't just stand there seeing her like this.
"I know, I know I will take you to your mother and little brother when your healed completely" I hugged her kissing the top of her head
"Take me home" she said and pulled me down to kiss my cheek


We were now on the private jet "Mr Revello would you like some champagne?" The pilot asked when we got on the jet "no thanks" i whispered not wanting to wake Natalia who was peacefully sleeping beside me
"Okay then tell the lady over there if you need anything" he walked away when I nod
"Tesoro what are you doing to me" I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear seeing her beautiful face "Alessandro" she mumbled still sleeping, I chuckled hearing her dreaming about me fuck I'm so in love with her it's crazy

She started moving around a lot holding onto her stomach "What the fuck" I sat on one knee in front of her cupping her face " Natalia wake up" I shook her until she opened her eyes and started coughing like crazy
I went and got some water for her "drink" i said and she drank it calming down

"What the fuck just happened" i lifted up her shirt to check if her stitches had ripped, and they hadn't.

"I'm fine, I just need to lay down" she put her hand on her stomach closing her eyes again "I will move you to the sofa"I lifted her up in bridal style putting her on the sofa "lift your head" i said and she lifted her head so I could sit and make sure she was okay "Alessandro" she said almost sleeping "yes mi amore" I put my arm around her "Thank you " she said and kissed my hand

This woman is going to be the death of me
I was slowly loosing control of myself I wanted to kiss every part of her beautiful body.

I kissed the top of her head, i could fell her smiling against my leg.

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