{Natalia Álvarez}
18 years old
Daughter of an Italian mafia man.
She lives in a house with her mafia father, her three older brothers and her mother or so she thought.
Natalia has appendicitis which gives her many problems but that's the least of...
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Me and Natalia sat next to each other at the table, my father was sitting on the end of the table as always like he's the boss, I can't wait to kill him some day
My mother was sitting in front of me, Enzo was sitting on the other side of me and Dario was sitting in front of Natalia.
I could tell Natalia didn't want to be here, she kept playing with the ring she had on and I know she only does that when she's nervous.
"Todays meal is Beef Braciole" the chef announced looking at me, "grazie Laura" i nodded(thanks) she smiled before walking off.
I looked at Natalia who's eyes were widen looking at the food in front of her I pulled her chair right next to mine, she looked at me a little confused "What is it" i whispered in her ear She looked at the food a little before answering " I-I don't like the dish" she whispered "you haven't even tried it?" I whispered in confusion I took my spoon with some food on and brought it to her mouth "eat" I demanded, she looked at me dead in the eyes " I don't want to, I don't like it" she said "Just tr-" i stopped talking and cleared my throat, not wanting to make her eat something she doesn't like "what do you want then " I said not whispering anymore since the others were talking loudly, everyone besides Carlo who was just staring at Natalia with hatred, I looked at him with a cold expression and he did the same until Natalia noticed and grabbed my hand under the table, I looked down and saw her hand on mine "I want to get out of here" she said before trying to take her hand off mine, I took her hand and held it, she looked at me surprised but held mine too, I held her hand tightly not wanting to let go.
"Mama" i looked at her "yes Alessandro" my mom looked at me "me and Natalia need to go, so if you will excuse us we're leaving" I was about to stand up "what no none of you have ate and I want to get to know Natalia" my mother said a little demanding, and I sat back down and Natalia did the same, she let go of my hand and began playing with her ring again " so Natalia how old are you" my mom asked her, Natalia took a deep breath before looking at my mom " I am 18" she answered looking confident "ah so you're 5 years younger than Alessandro" my mother said smiling, Natalia just looked at me shocked "are you 23?" She asked me "yes I am" I answered "now to the more serious questions, what the hell are you doing here" Carlo snapped at her, and pushed his plate away to have more space "None of your damn business" she answered, And looked at everyone who was in shock "did I say that out loud" her eyes widened " perché questa troia è a casa mia" he stood up " sit down" i said and stood up too, until he sat again(why is this slut in my home)
"I dare you to call her a slut again" i threatened "calm down everyone" Alessandro's mother said "We forgot to introduce ourselves" she said and smiled "I am Catalina Alessandro's mother" she said and looked at Dario who was next to her "okay then I'm Dario i'm in Alessandro's mafia I am the one training the new ones and some other stuff" he looked at Catalina, she nodded and looked at Enzo "I'm Enzo I take care of the deals, and I'm obviously in the mafia" he said proudly, i rolled my eyes even tho we're the most feared mafia, we could do way more.
My mother then looked at me "what?" I said with no expression "you turn" she Said "wha- everyone here knows me" I again said with no expression " I don't care come on" she rolled her eyes " I'm Alessandro don of the Scarface's" I proudly said, I mean what can't you be proud of I have took over my fathers mafia and made it 10 times better, he named it something like the Devils blood, but it was trash and no one knew about it till I became the boss and named it the Scarface's because I have a scar on my face.
"Good" my mother said before moving onto Carlo who was still staring at Natalia with hatred but this time Natalia was staring back coldly.
"What the hell" Dario looked at my father then Natalia "Carlo" my mother said looking at him, holding his hand " I'm Carlo, I am or was the leader of the devils kill" Carlo smirked taking my mothers hand off his "until this idiot got the mafia and changed the name to the Scarface's because of the dumb scar on his face" he added now staring at me
" It was trash and still is, and who do you think gave me that scar" i calmly said not wanting him to see my anger, my hand was in a fist under the table, I wanted to end him right there for looking at Natalia and for talking to me like that.
"Oh yeah that's right, it was your own fault you could have stopped being a pain the ass" he said, I was staring at him coldly.
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"Just wait you gonna feel real pain soon" Alessandro said storming off, he left me with his family that stupid peace of shit.
"Ignore him he has anger issues" Carlo sighed "I understand him, I would get mad too" i said staring at my hand "Natalia can we go outside for a moment?" Carlo asked, not mad not happy, just blank.
I looked up and saw Dario in front of me nodding no, he made sure only I saw it.
"Yeah sure" i answered, and looked at Enzo who gave me a Are you crazy look
"Great" he stood up and opened the door, i followed him until we were in the backyard.
He stopped and stood up against a wall, taking a cigarette from his pocket "so I have two questions" he lightened his cigarette"yes?" "Let's start easy, do you want to get away from here" he asked taking the cigarette out of his mouth.
"Yes" I answered without hesitation "then all you have to do is answer this very simple question, is your fiancé Javon simonetti" my eyes widened how the hell does he know that. "I will let you go if you answer it" "yea he is" I answered "Okay then, I will make sure you get out of here safely, but I have one last thing I have thing I have to tell you" he smirked "what is it" I asked, how does he know this I didn't even know before four or three days ago.
"Javon simonetti... is Alessandro's step brother and that's the reason to why he's keeping you here, they never liked each other and Have always compete about everything and now you" he smiled before holding onto my shoulder, I froze what it's his brother, I mean step brother it all makes sense now that's how they knew each other...
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