{Natalia Álvarez}
18 years old
Daughter of an Italian mafia man.
She lives in a house with her mafia father, her three older brothers and her mother or so she thought.
Natalia has appendicitis which gives her many problems but that's the least of...
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"Yeah no we're fighting that guy, he killed Alessandro's sister who I didn't even know existed" I said while Alessandro yelled no over and over again "I can fight I hope you can too old man" the old man rolled his eyes.
"Listen to me Natalia this guy is dangerous, I sent a lot of people after him no one came back alive" Alessandro said thru the phone "Well your guys isn't like me, and who the fuck gets mad over something like that, do I look like a give a fuck about that it's his thing to carve initials" I pointed at myself looking at Dmitri who shook his dead "exactly thanks old man"
"Natalia I swear to god if you don't go straight to that car-sorry bad connection I- l-love y-you" I hung up
"If I die now Alessandro is going to dig me up and kill me again" the old man just nodded about to say something when someone started talking "I suppose your Natalia?" The woman from before came with a note
"No I'm Carla,Natalia is my sister is that note for her?" I smiled politely at her "yes where is your sister"
"Sleeping you can just give it to me I will give it to her when she's awake" I reached out for the note and she shrugged just giving it to me
I unfolded the note which said
Natalia i mean you no harm I just want to know where your mother is that's all and yes I planned it all I have heard everything
"So no fighting?" I asked waiting to hear a creepy old man's voice answer "would you really fight your own brother" I turned around in shock because of what I had just heard
holy fucking shit Matthew
"What the fuck, are you the carv killer" I asked staring at his cheek to see if he had the mark
"I am, don't look for the ADI mark it's not real it's a fake tattoo thing that looks like I carved it onto my cheek" he laughed Damn I didn't know I grew up with a family full of psychopaths
I stared at him for a moment then remembered that he had killed Alessandro's sister, so I went over and slapped him hard like so hard my own hand hurt
"The fuck was that for" he held his cheek
"That was for killing Alessandro fucking sister and for making me think Alessandro was fucking some bitch" I walked back to my seat and looked at the old man who was minding his own business I wish I could do that too
"Don't tell me it wasn't a good idea I got you both on the jet and for killing Alessandro's sister that was Veronica I mean most of them were Veronica but I got blamed for it"
I turned in my seat confused "why the fuck would Veronica kill Alessandro's sister"he walked over and sat beside me
"Well before I didn't understand why either but know it makes sense to me, okay I used to go to Alessandro's house a lot and one time Veronica followed me to see what I spent so much of my time on and when I went there Alessandro wasn't there yet so I sat talking to his sister about a day or two later his sister was dead and she took my killing method to make it look like I did it because it would have destroyed her plan if I fell in love with someone else fuck I hate that bitch now"
Veronica that stupid bitch killed my husbands sister I'm still not used to saying husband
"Okay I will make a deal with you" i said and he nodded
"You bring me to Lorenzo and Veronica and I bring you to our mother and little brother" he put his hand out and I did too "deal" we shook hands
"Oh and tell Alessandro to stop sending people after me I'm getting tired of killing his men" i let go of his hand
"You're a psychopath you know that right" he smiled and nodded "it's in the blood" he said and I shrugged It's kind of true
"Your phone keeps fucking ringing answer it" the old man threw my phone It was Alessandro who had called me over 70 times "Alessandro stop calling my sister"Matthew took my phone and answered "Where the fuck did you come from" he said
"I'm surprised you know who it is by my voice" i took the phone from him "Alessandro there's not going to happen anything go home I'm going to be home in a few weeks" I walked away from them so they couldn't hear our conversation "Few weeks, no your going home today and what the fuck is Matthew doing there" he sounded mad he sound so hot when he's mad
"Alessandro I'm not in danger the DAI of IDA man or whatever isn't going to hurt me" i said and played with my hands "Natalia I will do anything for you to just come home to me" I sighed not knowing what to do
I could make the old man take Matthew to my mother and then when he's back bring me to my father but then I won't see my mother "Okay I will come home in a day then" I said dragging my hand down my face "nat- Alessandro choose a day or weeks" I started to get irritated "fine a day I will tell one of my men in Russia to give you some money and get you home tomorrow" his voice calmed down
"I love you go home and rest im back Tomorrow" "I love you too be safe" i hung up
____________________________________ Sorry I haven't posted for so long but I'm back now ❤️