{Natalia Álvarez}
18 years old
Daughter of an Italian mafia man.
She lives in a house with her mafia father, her three older brothers and her mother or so she thought.
Natalia has appendicitis which gives her many problems but that's the least of...
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"THE REAL MAFIA QUEEN IS NATALIA ALV-REVELLO" my father corrected himself and everyone was cheering. "Natalia" Alessandro lifted me off of Emma it didn't feel right celebrating, "Your arm" violet said rushing over to me "it's not good is it" I haven't looked at it yet and I don't want to. "We're going home"Alessandro lifted me up in bridal style. And whistled at the others who came right away. "Holy fucking shit how are you not dead" Enzo looked at me with widen eyes "how are you 21" i raised an eyebrow "fair" he shrugged.
"Kiss me if I'm wrong but-your wrong" he cut me off right away "let me finish" I rolled my eyes and he was so close to smile but stopped himself.
"I'm going to die aren't I we'll it doesn't seem that bad but you know like I want to know so I'm prepared to look pretty and all that" he looked at me confused "yeah you don't want me to look like that bitch Victoria right she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks" he finally gave in and smiled "your not dying and your always pretty that means your wrong so" he kissed me "no I'm fucking not I can feel a demon taking me I don't know how or what the fuck I just said there but- fuck you talk more than Enzo right now and I didn't think that would be possible" he placed me in the car.
"You ducking duck" i said when i hit my head "what the hell is wrong with her she's worse than Enzo" Dario looked at Alessandro and he just gave him a don't even ask look.
"Is there cookies in here, I'm craving cookies" I leaned my head against Alessandro's shoulder "Natalia do me a favor and shut the fuck up" Enzo looked at me exhausted "now you know how we feel around you all the mother trucking time" I snapped at him I don't know why but I didn't feel like cursing right now.
"That's it I'm taking the last cookies at home hah" he said "don't you ducking dare touch my cookies you piece of cheese" i said knowing he hates cheese "I think she have lost to much blood"Enzo said and everyone nodded looking up at me "I think so to" I sighed closing my eyes "don't we can't take any chances" he said bringing my face up and I opened my eyes only to stare right into his green eyes. "You have frog eyes" i smiled and he raised an eyebrow "I'm kidding you have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen" I looked at my arm which violet bandaged for me in the car.
"And your the prettiest girl I have ever seen" he smiled kissing me and I kissed him but let go as I couldn't use my other hand to keep me up to his height.
"Please I'm going to go blind if you continue" Leonardo said "that would be great tho then you didn't have to look at Enzo all the time" "your right but I still need my sight" I saw the bandage on my arm was covered in blood but ignored it. "I'm offended" Enzo crossed his arms I was too tired to answer. My arm hurt as fuck.
"We're almost home and the doctor is still there luckily"Alessandro removed my hand off the bandage and his eyes widen at the blood, it was all over my thighs. "We're going to the hospital" Alessandro said and everyone looked at him "is it that bad?"violet came closer to me "it just needs to be stitched washed and bandaged"a tear fell from my eye but I quickly wiped it off.
"I can stitch it-no I will do it" Alessandro said and violet nodded moving back to her seat beside Dario.
We got home and Alessandro brought me to the bathroom right away, while violet came with all the stuff he needed to stitch with.
"I actually have numbing but it's going to take 30 minutes to work" he said and I remembered the time where stitched a wound on his chest and I didn't have any numbing "do it without" "are you crazy it's going to hurt more than-just fucking do it" violet was still here and looked at me as I was crazy "but Natalia" she tried to talk again but I just shot her a glare and she put her hands up.
"Natalia you probably going to pass out so I'm going to set you on the bed" Alessandro tried to lift me off the counter "no I'm not Alessandro just do it" I said irritated they're really getting on my nerves "fine you can hold onto my shoulder if you want to" he repeated the words I said when I stitched him. "Okay on three" I gulped "three" he started and I screamed at the sudden needle in my fucking arm "you mother fucker that's not how it works" i whispered grabbing his shoulder "sorry princess" he continued stitching me.
I closed my eyes and dug my nails into his shoulder not making a sound. "Done" he kissed my forehead and I opened my eyes "she has lost too much blood she needs something to eat" violet held my hand "What do you want to eat" Alessandro asked cleaning the sink "I just want to sleep" I got of the counter and laid on my bed "Cookies?" Violet asked walking into the bedroom "of course and a lot of them" i smiled at her and she left the room to go get them "AND MILK THANKS" i yelled "got it" i heard her say.
"Mi amore come in here I need to wash your arm" Alessandro said from the bathroom, I got up and walked into the bathroom again "okay this is going to burn as fuck" he grabbed my arm placing it over the sink "don't you fucking dare Alessandro Mariano Revello" i stared at him "I like how you say my name" he smirked "just do it quick" i rolled my eyes and he poured it all over my arm but i kept a cold face on not showing any emotion.
He rinsed it with water and put bandage on after. "Tesoro there is no need to hide it from me I know your strong" he kissed my arm. "Thanks" i smiled at him and he did the same I LOVE his dimples so so much his smile is just so adorable. "I love your smile" i said and he didn't say anything which made me embarrassed "I love y-your cookies are hereee"violet interrupted Alessandro luckily because I think he was about to say I love you... well fuck. His face became cold again and he walked out of the room not even looking at violet "what's wrong with him" violet came into the bathroom "No idea give me my cookies I will deal with it later" i shrugged.
I think I'm in love..
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