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Lorenzo came back into the living room "Natalia I know where your staying at" my father announced loudly so everyone could hear it "Oh really me too, right here" i said My brothers gave me a death stare "Yeah yeah where?" I asked

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Lorenzo came back into the living room
"Natalia I know where your staying at" my father announced loudly so everyone could hear it
"Oh really me too, right here" i said
My brothers gave me a death stare
"Yeah yeah where?" I asked

"I have wanted to tell you this for a very long time,
your engaged with the leader of the skull shots" my father announced

" I'm what? YOU GAVE ME AWAY" i said with tears in my eyes, but I tried to hide it

"Natalia we don't have any another choice" Matthew angrily said
"What? Your okay with giving your own sister away?" Veronica looked shocked

"Does mama agree on this?" I asked
"She's actually the one that told me to do this, I didn't agree in the beginning but you know your mom always gets what she wants" he answered, I don't think he's happy with this either

"He's here"Nico said looking angrier then ever
We all walked over to the door
"Hello"he said with a very deep voice, i must say hes attractive. He had brown eyes and blond fluffy hair and my height so not so tall, he looked as he was 21-22

"You must be Natalia?" He looked me up and down
"I am, and you are?" I asked
"Javon,Javon simonetti" he said taking a step closer
I was just staring at the ground till someone grabbed my hand
"We are leaving" he said "what" I looked up at him
"You heard me" he said "no we're not, I'm not going anywhere with you" I stated
When someone tall came behind me
"Hey hey hey what's he doing here" he said letting go of my hand, backing off a little
"What are you doing here?" Alessandro asked with a mad expression
"I'm taking my fiancé home" javon smirked
"Your engaged?" He looked at me in confusion
"Somehow I am" I said playing with my ring
"Now I'd you'll let me I'll take my fiancé home" he said taking my hand harshly pulling me with him
"NO I'm not coming with you" i yelled at him and ran
"Natalia"my father yelled at me
I ran to our yard where I knew there was a place you could get to the street faster.
I ran as fast as I could I don't know to where I just ran


After running for what feels forever I decided to go to my boyfriends house, I don't really have any friends I trust, not that I trust him but yeah
I knocked on the door, being nervous as hell
"I'm coming" someone said running to the door
"H-Natalia?"jacob looked confused
"Hi Jacob" i said with a little smile
"Come in" he took my hand
"How are you?how have you been" he asked sitting on the couch, I sat beside him
"I'm fine"i said playing with my ring
" what's wrong your not fine" he wrapped his arms around me
"My father engaged me with some dude" i said  "WHAT" he yelled pushing me away"have you slept with him" he quickly changed his expression he was now angry "no I just met him" i said shocked
"Have you kissed" he asked, I started to get nervous and when I get nervous I stutter "n-no" I stuttered
"Yea you have, you FUCKING WHORE" he said slapping me across the face
"Slap me again, get it all out" i said tired
"If that's what you want" he slapped me again "yea and also I'm moving in with him" i said ready for another slap but instead I got punched right in the stomach.
"What about me" he pinched me against the wall,
"What about me huh?" He spat at me "I need to break u-up wit-th y-" "don't you dare ever say that sentence to me" he grabbed me by the neck "as I said get it all out because it will be the last time" I said with no expression "yea, no your staying here" he said smirking  "that's right your staying here" he said,
And kissed my neck as hard as he could, before letting me go
"Psycho" i murmured and guess what he heard it
"Psycho?" He asked turning around to look at me
"If you want me to be psycho,I can" he said grabbing my hair pulling me into his bedroom
"Sit" he placed me on his bed.

He walked into the living room again, before coming back with a little knife "I hope you can tolerate pain because this is gonna be painful" he said
My eyes widened when i finally understood what he was going to do "no JACOB" I said shaking my head
"Well I hope your fiancé sees this, I mean if he'll ever see you" he laid me down,I tried to get away but he was too strong
"I'm gonna count to three okay" he said ready with the knife "three-one oops " he started writing his name on my arm with a knife.
I screamed in pain, wishing that someone heard me.

I actually think someone did because the door shut open and someone came running in I didn't see who because I blacked out.


I woke up in a big bed with light hitting my face
I noticed my arm had bandage on it but I can't remember what happened
Every part of my body hurt, I don't know why but I really wanted to just cry

I saw there was a bathroom in the room so I walked in and looked in the mirror seeing almost every part of my body was blue and purple and some places were even black, I tried to unwrap the bandage thing but it hurt so I didn't

There were some clothes on the counter, and I think it was for me so I took it on it was a black T-shirt and some grey sweatpants.

"Not bad" i said to myself

I walked out of the room and this mansion is big like when I tell you big I mean big big.

"Yoo Enzo , he let one of his whores sleep over" he yelled "I'm sorry who are you?" I asked him "who are you?" Another guy I think is Enzo asked "I'm Natalia Alvarez" i said, I had a big headache and I felt a little dizzy "Alvarez? As Matthew Alvarez?" The first guy looked a little more serious now " that's my brother" i said a little disappointed I mean he did agree on giving me away "what are you doing here"the other guy asked they were both all serious now "what is here exactly" I looked around "this is Alessandro revelos mansion" one of them said
I froze, this is Alessandro's house


I made two parts today :)

I love when y'all comment keep doing that



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