{Natalia Álvarez}
18 years old
Daughter of an Italian mafia man.
She lives in a house with her mafia father, her three older brothers and her mother or so she thought.
Natalia has appendicitis which gives her many problems but that's the least of...
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Nico were arguing with someone the whole time, in Italian which I think was about business. We arrived at the House, and i pretended to wake up. "What happened?" I questioned rubbing my eye "Could you shut up I'm on the phone" Nico whispered in all seriousness I didn't have the energy to annoy him so I just got out of the car and stretched out "I'm never sitting in the middle again" i murmured to myself "Matthew" Veronica said with panic in her voice "what's wrong?" He said kind of concerned "my necklace, it's gone" she said with watery eyes "it's okay" he held around her "it's okay I'll buy a new one for you" he said lifting her chin "No I'm gonna find it" she said sounding a little angry at herself. "Veronica I'll buy a new one for you" Matthew softly said
"No way I know how much that costed you" she said taking the keys to the car from Matthew "Veronica" he said demanding, she just looked at him and got into the car "I'm gonna find it even if I have to go back to the mall" she said trying to find it.
"affare ci vediamo domani arrivederci" Nico said before hanging up( deal see you tomorrow goodbye) "I'm not even gonna ask" Nico said walking away "Nico" i ran up to him "yes Natalia" he stopped walking, he sounded really tired "never mind I forgot it" I said with a smile at the end. I wanted to ask what the call was about but it's not really important _
"Alessandro when are you planning to go back" my father asked "i am leaving in two days" he answered. We haven't talked since we were in the car "Okay your welcome to stay as long as you want" My father said before leaving the living room "Nico" i whispered to him, I hit him when he didn't answer "I swear to god hit me one more time and that hand of yours is gone" he whispered threatening
"I'm bored nicooo" I said kind of tired " get some friends then" he said pushing me off of the sofa "that's it" I yelled pulling him off the sofa "NATALIA" he yelled "oops my bad" I said running away "your so done" he said getting up to run after me"it's crazy how I could get your fat ass off the sofa" I yelled still running "nuh uh you slow I'm usain bolt" i said running up the stairs but failing. I rolled down the stairs and ended up taking Nico with me on the way. "I'm FINEE" I yelled as if they care " I don't know about this one tho, you dead?" I said poking him with my finger "Fuck I think you broke me" he said with his hands around his neck"how many fingers do I have here" i said showing him five "five" he said standing up "that's-" I slapped him and ran "RIGHT" This time he tackled me right in front of Alessandro "you fucker I'm gonna cut your hands off" Nico said holding my hands in his one hand
"Get off her before i cut your hands off" Matteo growled coming down the stairs with a angry expression. Nico got off me and sat back onto the couch "matteo cos'è?" Matthew questioned him (what is it Matteo?) "The neprikas kidnapped one of our strongest associates" Matteo almost shouted Matthew just stared at him for a moment before pulling his phone out "Let me handle this" Alessandro suddenly spoke up, with no expression as always. "What?" Matthew said turning his head "Let me handle this, your already letting me stay in your house so let me help you" he said texting someone "Even if you say no it's already done" he said walking out of the house
An hour later Alessandro comes back with his suit all bloody and dirty. "Your associate is back safely and I must I'm not impressed by him" he said unbuttoning the first two on his shirt "Wait you did it yourself?" Matthew said with widened eyes "Yes" he said taking some water "I'm Impressed" Matteo said nodding "Now I understand how your number one mafia in the world, you put yourself against a whole mafia alone" Matthew said putting his arm on Matteo's shoulder for support. Great another mafia man, just what I needed "Natalia" Matthew called me "what's up matt" i said with a smile walking up to him.
"Don't ever call me that again, and could you show Alessandro the guest room" Matthew said pointing at me " don't point it's rude, and sure" I said looking at Alessandro now "This way" I walked away with Alessandro behind me. None of us said a thing, until I asked "Are u staying for Matthews birthday?" "Yes i am" he just said "Okay- wait my dress I never got it for his birthday" I stopped walking and went to my own room to see if i have a dress. "Great just great I gave my dress to that bitch" I murmured to myself throwing all my clothes out of my closet "I might have bought the dress" Alessandro said leaning against the door " couldn't you have said that before i-" I said when I got a sharp pain in my stomach again. I sat on the floor in pain but I tried not to show it. "What's wrong with you" he asked slowly walking over to me. "It's just stomach ache" i said gritting my teeth in pain. "Isn't there pills you can take?" He questioned sitting next to me. " there is but I don't want them, I keep getting nightmares when I take them" i said trying to stand up, Alessandro stood up too looking at me. I grabbed Alessandro's arm when I was about to fall And he lifted me up in bridal style and put me on my bed. "You should really take those pills" Alessandro said "No I can handle it" i murmured "I see" he said raising his eyebrow at me "Okay i can't but I only take them if my mother is here, I need her or else I don't even know I need someone by my side when I take those pills" I said looking at Alessandro's bloody shirt. "Shit my shirt" he said taking it off showing his defined abs and a little wound on his chest. "That definitely need to be stitched" i said sitting up "I would but can't do it myself" he said examining it " I can do it" i said standing up feeling a little better " it's fine you don't have to" he insured me " I want to" I said taking his hand taking him to the bathroom attached to my room. I took the first aid kit we have one in each bathroom "How did you get that" said looking at the wound. " knife" he coldly responded, boy I'm helping you be warm for once
"It's probably gonna hurt since we have no numbing" i said taking the needle ready to stitch the wound "It's fine I don't need numbing" his hazel green eyes looking me in the eyes making me look away. I was about to start stitching his wound when i realized he was way to tall and I couldn't really do it. "Well uh could u sit or something so it's a little easier" i said a little embarrassed " No but you can" he said lifting me up setting me on the counter "That works too" i said tilting my head about to start "Are you ready" i said looking him in the eyes. To be honest I was really nervous what if I fail.
He nodded in response as i started stitching. He gritted his teeth "you can hold onto me if it hurts" i said still stitching, when he suddenly grabbed my shoulder making me flinch a little I was almost done and Alessandro still had his hand on my shoulder it felt like he was about to brake my bone with his grip. "It's all stitched" i said with a little wince because of the grip on my shoulder getting stronger "Alessandro" i said when he realized what he was doing " I'm sorry" he said looking up at me
Hey y'all I'm sorry I haven't updated I have had a lot of homework but here's a new chapter I hope y'all haven't left me